have a spare 02 srx motor and want to build a big bore over the summer.ive heared theses 1000price performance motors are max anyone know how or where to get some info on these or info on smaller overbores 835 etc? thanks guys.ron 

New member
bender makes the 835. 190 horse on pump gas if i remember right.
Active member
Price's website is www.priceperf.com.
New member
if you want a 1000cc give the boys at Iantomasi a shout, I think they still make their own sandcast cylinders, now whether or not they make a set for a yammi, I dont know, but with their record, its worth the call. keep us updated on the build.
Active member
Gerry can definetely hook him up with a 1000. It'll probably run him in the $5000 range, for a stock stroke motor.
Iantomasi's number is: (905) 263-4868, if you are interested.
Iantomasi's number is: (905) 263-4868, if you are interested.