SRX 700 Speedocable problem


New member
Dec 13, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi, I have a 99' SRX 700 and love the sled. When I purchased it, I had to buy a speedocable for it because the previous own had a drive belt destroy it when it came apart. A few weeks ago, I had a belt come apart, and destroy the speedocable again. I was wondering if any of you guys re-routed your cable or done anything to remedy this problem?

I thought of re-routing the cable or enclosing it in a stainless steel cover which would cover the cable in that area, and have it mounted securely to the tub? Thoughts??? Thanks...Jim Pittsburgh PA.
i think you should check your shieve alignment cuz i had an SRX for 5 years and still have 2 mountain maxes and have never blown a belt, you should check it!!!!
I also have a SRX for about 5 years and never tossed a belt. I did however have a 96 vmax xt I crashed in to a tree and threw off alignment. On the 96, i ran it for 2 years and went through three belts because everything was off. Check it all out. Was it smashed and rebuilt?
