98 srx 700 pto cyl wont fire


New member
Mar 10, 2011
I have a 1998 srx 700 that only runs on 2 cylnders. I have checked compression all at 115 psi. spark is good, reed valves are good,powervalves are good. it has new gas spark plugs and wiring, and carbs are clean. pto side gets gas and spark but will not fire. any ideas
pull all the plugs and pull it over as fast as you can, that cyclinder could be flooded with gas if you have a needle and seat stuck open.
rndy67 said:
I have a 1998 srx 700 that only runs on 2 cylnders. I have checked compression all at 115 psi. spark is good, reed valves are good,powervalves are good. it has new gas spark plugs and wiring, and carbs are clean. pto side gets gas and spark but will not fire. any ideas

1.) is there fuel in the pipe?

2.) when you had the reed block out, is the skirt intact on the piston?

3.)did you check the sparkplug boot on that cylinder for resistance?
sunds like cylinder is flooding stuck float compession spark fuel so its the only thing it could be same color spark on all three
had a buddy with a triple that wouldnt fire on pto cylinder. swapped coils, checked compression, carbs, whole nine yards. ended up being the crank seal was leaking so bad it wouldnt fire..... had the seal and bearing replaced and good as new.
if i pull all spark plug wires and put pto wire on only it will run on that cylnder but not as good as if i do it to middle or pto
Check crank seal. We used to blow smoke into vent to see if it came out seal. (if you have vent on that cylinder)
i just got done with the motor new rings and crank seals. also went through the carbs again it is still doing the same thing.
Thanks for everyones help it ended up someone put the coller on the main jet going to the motion tube on upside down. That caused the motion tube to raise and bypass the jet and dump too much gas into the motor. Thanks again
