Riser question (rox adjustable) - Viper


New member
Mar 10, 2004
Is one way better over the other...I'm looking at a total rise of approx 6-7" and I'm trying to decide if it's better to go with a fixed riser for most of the height with a 1 or 2" Rox adjustable riser or just go with a single 6-7" rox adjustable riser?

I currently have a 2" fixed riser with a 3.5" Sporttech adjustable and the combo seems to work, but I am looking for a little more height and can't decide which rout to go. Thoughts?
go with the adjustable. if you don't and go 6-7 inches, it'll be really far back, i ride 100% standing up and i like having my bars pretty much straight up. the adjustability is nice because you can move it in a bunch of different angles.

And as a side note that i found out, if you roll your sled down the hill, the bars will pivot instead of bend ;)
This is what I'm leaning towards, but what I'm asking is does it make sense to go with a 1 or 2" pivot riser in addition to a 4/5"fixed riser? Or do I just go with a single 6" adjustable riser? I'm going with the adjustable riser regardless, just seeing if there's any benefit of doing a combination of the two or not.
