Super Moderator
When i bought my daughters 02 viper it had a sl clunck under power at slow speeds. Ruled out belt, clutches are dirty but seem to work fine on stand. Tore drive down today hoping for bad bearing but nothing. It all looks good except for a bit of dirt in chain case drive bearing. All bearings were to my suprise rust free and tight. Chain was on loose side and skid was loose and wore out for sure. Would a loose chain cause a clunck? A bad skid would but this seemed more like a drive clunck when i drove it. All motor mounts are good. No wobble in clutches, jack shaft is true and drive shaft seems good too. Am i missing anything or was it a little bit of everything. Meaning chain case oil never changed, or anything greased. I had enough dirt and grime in belly pan to build a sandbox. Any thoughts would be great. Thanks chris.
New member
i have about the same clunk. havn't seen anything wrong wit my sled. i tore it completly down to do the skid change and nothing i saw was wrong. maybe its just a viper thing lol.
A lot of Vipers have a bit of a clunk at take off. I thinks it's somewhere from the Jackshaft......
New member
Could it be due to the slight amount of play between the brake disc and the jackshaft? To check if this is the source ofthe noise, you could slightly apply the barke while accelerating from a stand still. This should preload the disc to take the backlash out of the disc.

Super Moderator
It was a continuous clunck at slow speeds but was gone at drive speed. Kinda like clunck 1sec, 2sec, clunck 1sec, 2sec, ect.... Thats why i thought belt but new one didnt fix it. Maybe it was the skid I/E track, bad wheel? Havent tore skid down yet. RX1 i thought of the break issue cause i have it on my 04 viper, but this clunck does not stop. would break slap still continue once moving. Chirs
red devil
New member
I know this might sound weird but could there be a rock stuck inside your track you didn't look for or see?Doesn't hurt to check.
Is you track in line sometimes that will cause weird noises.
I had a bad clunk off go and then when i got going it went away. Chain case chain was way to loose. Tighten it up or you will be sorry. End over end if that locks up on ya.... Pull muffler off and tight it up a bit so there is only 1/8 movment on the chain by your finger. it goes clunk clunk clunk cluck and only at low speeds when you give it good amounts of throttle...
check the brake rotor, they sometimes get loose on the keyway and it makes this noise, wiggle it back and forth, if its loose youll hear it and feel it move.
check the front heat exchanger protectors or the tunnel proctectors . my 98 srx did the same thing at slow sped or on the trail. if you loaded it with snow like off trail, no noise. took me a while to figure out. the loose front one finally came loose enough that i caught it and removed it, no more noise. just a thought. 

If you say it goes clunck, 1sec, 2sec and then clunck again that tells me that what ever is making the noise takes about 2 seconds to make a rev and come back to the clunck-point. That would point me to the track as it takes the longest to make 1 rev. So, take a close look at the condition of the track and all the components that come into contact with it as well as those that may come into cotact with it.

Super Moderator
Great ideas guys, i have the sled completly tore down as you can see in my post in working log. I am leaning twoards loose chain, bad track. Upon getting track out its not in nice of shape as i first thought. Lots of clips missing and a couple of the driver lugs too. The chain was quite loose also. I did check brake and rotor is a tad loose but no more then on my other 2 vipers. Im hoping it will kinda fix itself with new track, drive, and jackshaft bearings. Nothing jumped out at me as being broke so we will see. Chris
New member
I was going to suggest looking at the inner drive lugs and the teeth on the drivers but it looks like you might have found something in the track.
red devil
New member
I know had a rock wedged in there stephfg and it drove me nuts for 20 miles or so. Looked that thing over and never seen it then got fed up flipped the sled over and really had to check it over.
New member
My Dad's 04 Venture starting making that sound last night. Found the secondary to be loose on the jackshaft (but I don't think that's the cause of the noise). I could tilt it back and forth. We didn't get in too deep, but we're leaning towards broken links in the chain. I know you said your chain was loose, but how did it look? Does it measure within spec?

Super Moderator
Have not measured spec yet but will and post back for sure. chris
drive noise
Check the W arm on the suspension, if its broke that could be your problem.
Check the W arm on the suspension, if its broke that could be your problem.

Super Moderator
Thanks for all the sugestions. Pretty sure i found my problem. The top w arm shaft was wore down pretty bad and the busings were gone at the top shaft and bottom pivot points. The skid was very loose. Between the bad track and skid im sure this was my clunck. Here's hoping. Chris
that'll do it.