Belt height in sheaves at full shiftout


VIP Lifetime Member
Jan 27, 2009
Central MN
I am trying to get my clutching sorted out on a 02 Viper with SLP tripple pipes. I used a Sharpie to mark the sheaves so that I could get an idea of where the belt is ending up on the sheaves. After some WOT runs, I took a look at the clutches and was surpirsed to see that there was a good 3/4" of marker from left where the ink had been rubbed off by the belt and the top of the sheave on the primary. Also on the secondary there was about the same amout of marker left at the bottom of the sheave. My RPM's were indicated at 9000 on stock tach, but I wasn't ever able to get up to top speed due to space limitations... about 85 on the stock speedo was where I had to let off the gas. Is it normal to have the belt sitting that low in the primary (and high in the secondary) under these conditions?
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My crappy clutches put the belt on the secondary underneath the sheaves at WOT and ride 1/8 " from top on the primary. Very scary.
SRX_700 said:
My crappy clutches put the belt on the secondary underneath the sheaves at WOT and ride 1/8 " from top on the primary. Very scary.

if its runs that way its because someone cut the sheave down
try the secondary with a spring in maybe that will help..Install a stiffer spring and that secondary won't open up as much then...maybe your center to center is off.I have had my belt climb primary within 1/8 also..but used a cut stock helix to get it that way...
Like Tony said this is normal. Next time you have your primary apart squeeze both sheaves together until they bottom out and then lay the belt in the primary and youll see theres space left over. Just ran into this same "problem" myself
