Rox Pivoting risers


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I was going to order a 2" Rox pivoting riser for My 05 Sxv mountain
Is this the highest I can go without messing with cables ????
Or should I go higher & just extend cables ???
I plan on gettin a Boss seat as well ...
My Wife seems to think 2" is enough .... :p :o|
You should be able to get by with a 3" without extending being that it's a mtn. viper.
If your adding the Boss seat you will want to go at least 4" I have 4" on mine now with stock cables and have had no trouble but I am going to take it up to 6" and lengthen the cables. The Boss Seat and riser is the best investment you could ever add to these sleds.
Just not sure if the SXVMountain already has some kinda riser already ?
The rox thing doesnt look too strong its 2 seperate pieces , should I get some thing thats a lil more robust if going higher ???

And Antlerking ... here in canada we use metric system so wife is happy with all 5 cm.
as 1' = 2.5cm

My first risor was a 3" power madd, but it would not hold its position very well and eventually I broke it trying to tighten the bolts enough to get it to hold.
Got a Rox 3 1/2" from Rich Motorsports and have had no issues with it holding. I ride very trail bump(power lines etc) aggressive with a lot of jumping, and still no problems.
Aslo you could check with Lake Effect, they have alot of designs also that you may like.
