Super Moderator
I asked about tnis in my broken y pipe stud question but its kinda buried. If i take the center jug off to get a better hold of the broken stud do i need to then change that gasket between the case and jugs? I Dont want to have to take whole top end down just to get this stud out. Wanted to put opticool on head anyway as its my daughters sled and it will be at midrange a lot. Can i just make sure its clean and reuse it. I want it done right and will do what i have to but dont want to change it if i dont have to. Thanks chris
Clean up the surfaces real nice and use "copper coat" on the gasket before you re-install it.

Super Moderator
Thanks stein. If im understanding right i can then leave the other 2 jugs alone, remove my center jug. After getting stud out just clean gasket and bottom of jug good, spray with the copper and reinstall. Sorry about the dumb questions just never had to get that far into my vipers yet. Still learning as i go. Thanks chris
New member
Yes, leave the other 2 alone. Fix the stud on the center cylinder. Use what's called Copper spray a gasket, on the top of the existing bast gasket & put it together. Last time i used the red stuff, I think it's called High-Tack. Kinda like an adhesive, still holding up.

Super Moderator
Great and thanks. I already have some permatex copper spray so good to go. I just love getting into new stuff and learning new info. This site rocks. Chris