Reverse Kit


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Keswick Ridge, N.B.
I have a chance to by a complete reverse kit from a 2000 Vmax 700 for cheap. Will this fit on my Viper. Also, I would hate to cut a notch in my hood for the lever...would there be another way to install it without doing that? Thanks
Look in the tech section or do a search on here, there is a write up on using the parking brake lever for the reverse. If I could find a kit for the SX-R thats what I would do.
I did a search but could not find a direct answer. There were some good write ups though. I love the idea of using the e brake lever! Can someone give me a direct answer if the Vmax kit will work on my Viper?
All of the proaction kits will work. The only difference is in the gearing/chain. Check to see what gears are in the set and compare to what you have now. If you know the year you can look in the tech section for stock specs and see what it should have in it.
The 97 and newer Vmax[trailing arm sleds] reverse kit will work on your Viper but you will have to change your top gear and chain to match the "Non Hyvo" bottom sprocket that was on the Vmaxs...if you get the matching top gear and chain with the kit you can just install it and you're good to go! not mix and match hyvo gears and or chains with non hyvo ones!

what are hyvo gears? Can you tell them apart just by looking at them? The kit I'm buying has all the gears and chain with am I good to go? Thanks
