banged up srx options


New member
Oct 5, 2009
east haven, CT
so as some of you may have noticed on my other thread my srx had a rough weekend...
i came up on a serious off camber turn that i was moving too fast and not paying attention for a second and i had to make a decision to go for the turn and chance hitting a tree or go straight into what looked to be a small field , well before that small field was a creek running under the snow in reality about 15 ft wide and ten ft deep it looked safe to fly over but it was just a shelf of snow i hit it and ended up kinda turning the sled and rolling it into the water , i smashed the other side of the bank really hard knocked the wind out of myself and definetly bruised or broke another rib, had to literally use every method of climbing ive ever seen to get back out to the trail before my riding buddies went by me ( i was out in front of them) i didnt want them to go by they wouldnt have found me easily... so after gaining my composure and trying to keep from freezing we extracted the sled out of the water, pulled the plugs pulled it over as much as possible and emptied a can of wd40 into the motor...

it was a 12 hour ride home i repeated the process of pulling it over and filled it up with marvel mytery oil, until i get back to it tomorrow its in my heated shop soaking in oil, tomorrow i will drain fluids and fire her up, im just way too soar to do any more tonight...

so next are my options: the only damage is the hood/dash, the dash is gone and the hood has a crack...

next im thinking about doing the sled black this year, how do you get a black belly pan? and what does it look like with leaving it blue? anyone have any pics of a black srx?

any opinions on saving the motor? i think it will be fine once i get it running tomorrow

thanks guys
sorry about the long winded post...
good to hear your OK. it's surprising you didn't damage the bulkhead or the tunnel? as for the black the 98's had the black belly pan. shouldn't be hard to convert to all black.
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i found those pics of his black srx they look so cool i may do this...
as for not damaging the bulkhead or tunnel it was just luck all the damage is to the hood not even a dented pipe, then the left rear idler wheel... the bars bent sytraight back and seems to be no damage on the post... its just luck it amazing the sled isnt gone or worse me. even the trailing arms are straight its as if i fell harder than the sled...
well just got back to the shop, its amazing how serious of a crash and how small the damage... i need a hood,dash pod,tach, and i think thats about it...

other than that it fired right off after i drained the carbs and the crank case after i filled it with oil... i let it run awhile then i put her back in the shop thats about all im good for tonight...
sounds good, glad it didnt do more to it or you. there was a black one with blue flames being parted on here not long ago i beleive was valin's. looked awsome, and yea the earlier srxs had black bellypans, alot of the sx and others in the late 90s had black also and i think they are all the same im sure someone here has tried interchanging.
