Adjustable aluminum control rods


New member
May 11, 2007
Post Lake, Wisconsin, United States
Anyone changed out the control rods/radius rods with aluminum swedged rods with hiem joints on inner and outer? I have done this on my old leafer oval racer for the steering, and wondering if it would hold up on a trail sled? speedway motors has swedged rods in any length and could be had for about 100$ for the whole set up.My bushings are all wore out, and need replacing anyway, and it would also make the camber very simple to adjust.
I was told that a heim joint at the trailing arm end will not control bump steer and caster as well because the trialing arm end of the rods has that bushing set at a specific angle through the arc of the suspension movement because it is welded in place.
Talk to Bruce at B-Line Control and he can tell you. He is a former Yamaha sno-cross suspension teck 651-257-0828
ive thought of this too. i ordered a catalog a while back, im still thinking about trying it someday.
So has anybody tried these? Im thinking about it. What length rods are the srx and the viper? I cant see a problem with using the heim joints, because thats what most aftermarket performance companys use for their trailing arms.
I had a set of Radius rods and Steering rod that were heimed on both ends. Ran them for years on my trail sled. No problems, shaved some weight, and looked cool all polished up. Brother in law has them on his sled now. I think they originally came from MPI. Don't remember - I bought them used.
