I have had enough of the hard starting of my srx, so I ordered a new fuel pump. I was going to replace it myself, BUT, how do I avoid getting aibubbles somewhere in the fuelpump/oil line? I can see it seizing if an air pocket is present there?
The rest seems to be pretty straightforward.
The rest seems to be pretty straightforward.
Doing a 120 MPH an hour, I doubt you have a fuel pump problem. Check your pilot jets and float height. What are your low speed screws set at? Check for leaks at your boots. Fuel baffles warped or loosened yet? Is it hard to start when warm or cold. Choke levers fully engaging?
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Ok, at the next service then.

get your hands dirty..don't trust the dealer to screw it up for you..mine starts anywhere from 4 to 6 pulls usually now..you have to make sure your choke plungers open all the way.Mine was off a tad,adjusted it for max opening and now fires up quicker.

yeah take your carbs out and clean them pilots also..that is a good reason also why she may be hard to start...again I wouldn't trust a dealer to do that either..it;s not their sled and they put some young trainer on it and make it worse...
I had 2 pilots that appeared clear when holding up to the light after sticking speaker wire and spraying with carb cleaner. When I blew threw them again, they would plug up. This happened time and time again for about 1 hour until I got a thicker gauge wire that was tight enough to barely make it through to the other end. Also had the twist and poke it several times. The crud would not leave any other way. I believe inside the pilot, there is a tunnel way that can store crud even though you can see right through it. Be very thorough when cleaning these pain in the as* jets.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Dont know that it was right or not but I had the "domestic engineers" sled apart and I drained tank. Mixed 5 gallons with pre-mix, filled oil tank. Dinked around in the feilds around the house so as not to walk very far should I have problems. Burnt up the 5 gallons and oil tank was down an inch or so. That was 450ish miles ago with no problems