enticer oil pump adjustment

Pull up on oil pump cablecasing at the carb. Measure from end of cable casing to top of fitting that cable casing fits into, should be about 7/8 ". Adjust by turning fitting up or down, remeber to retighten adjusting lock nut. Do this with sled not running and throttle closed.
SRX freek said:
Pull up on oil pump cablecasing at the carb. Measure from end of cable casing to top of fitting that cable casing fits into, should be about 7/8 ". Adjust by turning fitting up or down, remeber to retighten adjusting lock nut. Do this with sled not running and throttle closed.

Yes, SRX freek is right. This is the method.

Remember that any throttle cable adjustments should be done first as adjusting it will effect the oil cable position.

I could be wrong but I think the book called for a measurment of 1" on the oil cable.

Not to worry though as 7/8" would be OK. A smaller measurement here means more oil is delivered.

Thanks both for the information. Nice SRX. My buddy had one just like it in the early 80's. Maybe a 78? Super fast! I was riding Rupps at the time. Also fast.

Also I am replacing the CDI mag. Got a used one.I know that the "charge" coil (thin one) is bad, it fell off and rubbed on the flywheel. How do you check,set the timing. I know that moving the mag plate clockwise or counterclockwise will change timing but is there a timing mark that you can use, with a timing light to check?

This is a 10 year storage that I bought for my grandkids.
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kinda old thread I found by search, my sled (79 Enticer 300, motor is 80 Enticer 340)
is using ALOT of oil; my son rides more than me, he rode it last week in the 1st snow and it started out great; but started smokihg and bogging more + more.
yesterday it smoked and bogged more than ever its bogging so bad it dont have the balls to pull itself; block the back up and rev it wide open to clear itself out, the clutch looks to be working as it should; it sounds good revved up spinning free and alot less smoke; set it off the block and it wont gain revs enough to move the sled and cough and smoke.

The smoke is blue, it's oil... I think the pump is passing wayyyy too much which is choking things out. but why all of a sudden? it did run awesome last year after I got the carb straightened out. and it has done nothing but "sit" between then and now.
Check the oil pump adjustment as mentioned in the prior posts.

If is good you are OK. The symptoms you describe sound like an over fueling issue.

Needle/seat, choke plunger stuck open, diaphragm in fuel pump leaking.

Choke plunger would be the first to check.

