looking to buy a Sxviper

If do a search on the forum here, there is loads of info on Vipers.

They are very reliable if you do the maintenance on them.

If you stud them, clutch them correctly, and loosen your limiter strap, they can lift the skis, and yes, they are fast.
I love them, got 3 now. If you do your maintenance they will last a long time. They can handle lots of mods to if you do it right. Like waters said do a search and read till the end of summer. If you need help when it comes to buying post back. CCC
s10mike said:
it will go very fast, lift the skis, then blow the center cylinder.

Not if you take care of it, and im not saying you didnt. Just tired of all the bad press the vipers are getting this year. You only see the ones having problems, not all the ones that dont. These sleds are getting up thier in age and if not taken care of will have problems. Yes they have cooling issues which can be fixed very easy. My wife drives her stock viper like she is towing a bridge on sunday and has never had a problem. When i ride with my family when i was piped going slow never had a problem. I would do the recomended changes to help with low speed burn downs but this engine can be made bullet proof. If you burned down the center im sure thier was a cause to the effect. Chris
not me, a friend of mine. blew it up twice this season. not sure about the first time,(it happened just before i met him.) the second time,(yesterday), i know for a fact that it was rebuilt right, dialed in right, spotless carbs, good gas, good oil, anything that needs to be right was right all he did was hold it wide open for maybe a mile and a half, and BOOM. maybe because hes got pipes on it? i dont know. i do think stock is the way to go. these things are damn fast right out of the box. P.S. i am glad that you never had a problem with yours, i think they are about the best looking sled out there.
Well i must have got one of those "good" vipers then. Mine has walked through everything, had had gas from everywhere, has had awesome maintaince, and has pulled more doos and poos home than i have fingers and toes to count on. Thank You Yamaha.
dirtjumper895 said:
Well i must have got one of those "good" vipers then. Mine has walked through everything, had had gas from everywhere, has had awesome maintaince, and has pulled more doos and poos home than i have fingers and toes to count on. Thank You Yamaha.
better knock on wood!
Well my sled has a set of barkbusters on it, so if it comes to knocking on wood, the wood is going to have a hell of a fight!
See one of the many many posts on bad head design in Viper. Put in opticool gasket, raise needles and go. You guys that have not done it, you WILL feel more mid range power if you do.
Yes. I built it and rode it 3 times this winter. I have had 17 credits each semester the past two semesters, and am graduating in the fall, with hopes of moving out of snow country. Sledding was just an option to keep me sane up here in the U.P.... Im more of a MX kind of person.
dirtjumper895 said:
Yes. I built it and rode it 3 times this winter. I have had 17 credits each semester the past two semesters, and am graduating in the fall, with hopes of moving out of snow country. Sledding was just an option to keep me sane up here in the U.P.... Im more of a MX kind of person.
just givin ya a hard time, all in fun. congrats on graduating. youll probably miss that boring u.p. someday. been a lot of places and its one of the nicest so far.
s10mike said:
just givin ya a hard time, all in fun. congrats on graduating. youll probably miss that boring u.p. someday. been a lot of places and its one of the nicest so far.

Yea, something about walking up and down huge hills in the blistering cold, and have to shovel every day in the winter just is no fun if you cant ever play in it.
Minnesota where it is much colder than Houghton, but im ready to get out of the snow. I think when i see snow, all i think about is doing double intergrals, and analyzing piping networks... If only i thought about snowmobiles!
s10mike said:
not me, a friend of mine. blew it up twice this season. not sure about the first time,(it happened just before i met him.) the second time,(yesterday), i know for a fact that it was rebuilt right, dialed in right, spotless carbs, good gas, good oil, anything that needs to be right was right all he did was hold it wide open for maybe a mile and a half, and BOOM. maybe because hes got pipes on it? i dont know. i do think stock is the way to go. these things are damn fast right out of the box. P.S. i am glad that you never had a problem with yours, i think they are about the best looking sled out there.
Sounds like the crank may be out of phaze.
I've heard Bender pipes can give problems,if that's what he's running.
Rode with a couple of guys with SLP's,and no issues.
not to knock vipers but i like the srx its the muscle sled ...same as a viper pretty much but srx had tripple pipes,better cooling system ,torq limiter arm stock,and several other good points about it ...olny bad thing is the less travel in suspension but with viper shocks problem solved ....
can't say enough about the viper. i got 11,000 miles out of mine with only wear and tear issues.(suspension bushings, bearings, broken reed valve) just did a ground up rebuild(more like restoration with all those miles) and it's now my modded out river sled. now she still looks like a sled with 11k on it, but it runs better than it did brand new.
