Coolant Leak Troubleshooting


New member
Mar 19, 2007
Last ride of the year (45f) and the temp light goes on. Coolant was real low (put in about 16oz) which is not typical for my sled. Finished my ride and the coolant was low again. So I assume I have a leak somewhere.

Where are the typical spots for leaks? The winter is still here and hoping to squeeze another weekend before the season ends and fix then (unless this ends up being a simple fix).

Thanks....(BTW, run into a lot of people with new sleds that says they wish they had there Vipers back).
Thanks....if the head gasket is bad, is it burning the coolant? Or is it leaking into the combustion chamber? Ouch.

So external leaks are found where? Tubing to carbs? Main feed/returns? Then onto frame mounted coolers (never traced these down.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
External leaks will be around the head and base gasket. Check all cooland hoses, the weap hole on the water pump in front of engine. If your losing that much coolant if its a external leak you shoul see it pooling in the belly. If its internal yes it could be getting to the cylinders which is bad. I suspected it was a head gasket because the coolant system was over pressurizing and it was forcing the coolant out the overflow. When i tore the head down i could see where oil was leaking out twoards the coolant paths so that ment air/compression also. It only did it when warm. My compression on the pto cylinder where the oil stains were was down also when warm only. So i changed it out and all good now. Chris
So its dripping out the bottom. I can not find any leaks from the top side so it must be the water pump. Where is it located? How hard to repair...I understand you have to pull the motor??
Just and FYI, but last year I had my rt. side heat exchanger leak from a rub through where the center skid mount sets against the exchanger. Steel on top of aluminum, and the steel wins. I found the leak, by tracing it up from the foot well area, as the coolant would run down the grating and drip at the lowest part. This year my left side went in the same exact area. I just replaced them, but I guess some people have had them welded. Something to look for.
Thanks....I look a little harder.

Where is the pump on the motor? Is it crank driven (must be somehow)?
ekmoor said:
Thanks....I look a little harder.

Where is the pump on the motor? Is it crank driven (must be somehow)?

The pump is seen under the pipes on the front of the motor. you should see a hose going to it from underneath. The pump is driven from a gear that meshes on the crank.
I refilled my antifreeze and noticed the drips for the tunnel heat xchangers...both sides. Can you weld these in place or do they need to be pulled off the sled?

What causes the leak (vibration, metal to metal contact). The leak appears to be on the inner edge.
Thats odd it would be both sides. They are not know to just fail. Are you sure that is where its leaking from? If it is the case if you can see the defect you can weld it no problem on the sled. Chris
I just found my leak to be down by the water pump. Blown seal I guess, more work..
As soon as I filled up the overflow bottle, you could see the drips about half way up the cooler. I need to look to see if anything is rubbing. I put a different skid (Polaris Fusion 900) in two years ago so need to be sure nothing is rubbing. I did not want to bring it in the basement if it leaking.

But no problem welding it in place if the crack is accessable? Anything to do to clean out the system or just drain it?

From an earlier post I put in this topic: Just and FYI, but last year I had my rt. side heat exchanger leak from a rub through where the center skid mount sets against the exchanger. Steel inside plate on top of the aluminum heat exchanger, and the steel wins. I found the leak, by tracing it up from the foot well area, as the coolant would run down the grating and drip at the lowest part. This year my left side went in the same exact area. I just replaced them, but I guess some people have had them welded.

Between the steel on aluminum contact, sand and whatnot getting stuck in there, and from just standing on your running boards, after awhile it just wears or flexes enough to casue a leak. After you pull your exchangers, you will see how the aluminum is thinner there(behind the steel plate inside the tunnel) and amost looks porous from the wear.
