New member
well just grenaded my SRX, crank bearing went on it over the weekend not sure if I should part this one out or get another motor for it...spent lots of money on it... 

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That really sucks
Active member
one of the many reasons that i'm getting out of the sport. you put hrs upon hrs of time into the sleds, including lots of $$$ and the they like to still go kaboom.
I say fix it
or sell me the
or sell me the
New member
mopar1rules said:one of the many reasons that i'm getting out of the sport. you put hrs upon hrs of time into the sleds, including lots of $$$ and the they like to still go kaboom.
Know what you mean can't replace what I've spent on it even if I part it out...Going to pull the motor out this weekend & see how the rest is...
I feel your pain...I have been in the sport for approaching 50 years and have learned the hard way that when you move beyond stock you WILL pay a price with broken cranks, melted pistons, scored cylinders, broken rods, damaged heads, exploded cases ect ect. I did this thru my education years, early marriage , child rearing years, kids university years, as well as maintained a challenging career ect
This is why a lot of people have gone to the 4 strokes[where we will all end up] because all you do is gas up and check the oil! Just like our boats, bikes amd cars...very enticing!
The sport offers gratifiacation for everyone at every level...just pick where you want to be...NOTHING THAT IS GREAT COMES FOR FREE!
This is why a lot of people have gone to the 4 strokes[where we will all end up] because all you do is gas up and check the oil! Just like our boats, bikes amd cars...very enticing!
The sport offers gratifiacation for everyone at every level...just pick where you want to be...NOTHING THAT IS GREAT COMES FOR FREE!
I felt your pain earlier this year, 2 motors went kaboom, all within weeks, both SRX's, very pricey winter, hopefully it will live a long prospurose life for a few years now.
New member
How many miles on it?
New member
just over 6000 miles on it.....been ridden hard from day one, lots of river runs!!!!but highly maintained.....just got to love crappy gas that we are getting here, with gas prices being so high 92 octane doesn't sell that fast so how much water are we getting in it!!!!!
well if you decide to fix it i have been trying to decide if i should sell or part out one of the old girls trying to narrow down the fleet i got 2 700s and one 600 ....and honestly i am getting tired of tip toeing thru the garage cause no room its either sell something or build a bigger garage i am all for more room but cant afford that and the wife said NO WAY cause all i will do is find more ("JUNK")...i told her dont be swearing at me like that there is no ski doos in there nothing but yamahas no junk
New member
Sorry to hear about your engine problem. I lost the center cylinder on my 2000 SRX during the last ride. Major meltdown which destroyed the head, piston, rings and cylinder. The engine had 13000 miles on it, never opened up. I was planning on an overall engine rebuild at the endo of the season so I had new pistons, rings, gaskets, etc. The meltdown cost me a new head ($40) , a cylinder exhage from Millenium ($225) and having the crank inspected and repaired (if necessary). I am getting ready to send the crank to Jeff at Midwest Cranks in Green Bay WI.
Many thanks to Mopar1rules, he has given me a lot of good advice to rebuild the engine. He suggested I run the engine with aset of 98/99 heads since they will result in lower compression therefore more tolerant of the lower octane rating of today's gasoline.
Many thanks to Mopar1rules, he has given me a lot of good advice to rebuild the engine. He suggested I run the engine with aset of 98/99 heads since they will result in lower compression therefore more tolerant of the lower octane rating of today's gasoline.
New member
Been busy @ work so I didn't get a chance to pull the motor out yet! Looking at craiglist & alot of good deals on 4 strokes just accross the river....either I spend under 3 grand on the srx or buy a 4 stroke for 5 grand or less....will see what happens