over rev


Mar 16, 2007
My 98 SRX has developed an overrev to about 9200- 9300 and it really sounds boggy when I give it full throttle from a start. Carbs were just cleaned, brand new belt, good gas. Where do I start. Clutch is stock, geared down for 660 runs, airbox has been modded(that way when I got it), stock jetting. Got an event coming up this weekend and would like to be running a little better.
not sure where to start if everything is stock, usually that is caused because of a power increase witch would require more weight to the cluch to bring em back down where you want, but i would be leary of running a gutted box if the jets are still stock, may wanna check your plugs to see how lean it is running. do you thing maybe its geared down too much so you are winding right out at the end? if it holds rpms constant throughout the run i would look to clutching, if it is ok until towards the end of a run i would think gearing. have you changed drive cogs or anything else that would change gearing?
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my viper started over revving after i installed new belt,changed wrap on secondary ....fixed problem knocked 300 rpm`s off.
this could be, i was also thinking today that you should make sure the clutches are still shifting out all the way, have seen people put a mark with a marker on the clutch face and then go run it and you will be able to see how far the belt went on the clutch scheave cause it only takes a minute for the belt to wear on the mark you made.
