polaris gears / chain?


New member
Oct 29, 2003
Maple Grove, Mn.
I'm having trouble finding the references to use Polaris gears in a yamaha SRX. Which kind of gears can you use? HYVO? Can you use a Polaris Chain also? Are there any spacing issues using these parts.


why polaris chain and gears why not yamaha chain and gears
The Polaris hyvo gears and chain work in the 00-02 srx and 02-up vipers.You have to use spacers behind both top and bottom gears.I think they are .100 and .120 or .150 somewhere around that.Not 100% sure on those.I would have to look them up to be positive.
The Polaris gears are 1/2-1/3 the cost of Yamahas gears.
Thanks Atlas....I'm running a 1999 SRX. I wonder what the difference is between the 00-02 and the 99?

Speaking of why the Polaris parts touches on a topic I feel strongly about. Cost is a big thing and availability of parts also. Seems like whenever I go to the local Yamaha dealer its a few week wait on getting parts. What really chaps me is when dealers don't carry Trip saving type parts like trailing arms and radius rods. You know someone is gonna smuck a stump or clip a tree. I would pay an arm and a leg to slavage the one week of good snow the midwest seems to get nowadays. But waiting 2 weeks for a common part to come in....come on. I know there are good dealers out there, I just seems they are hard to find in the Minneapolis area.
