Heel Clicker Difference


VIP Member
Feb 12, 2005
Southern Manitoba Canada
When I purchased my Viper I was told that it had 40-10 HC's in it. I broke a weight this winter and I purchased a used set. The seller was also told that his were 40-10's as well. I believe he bought them used as well.
Now here's my problem: I put my weight on my gram scale and got 50g. I put these used replacements on and they weigh 53g. Noticed below the pivot that they are slightly different. I was going to transfer my setup into these but now I'm not sure how I should start the intial setup being that these are 3 grams heavier. Any thots??


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All hc arms are weighed and sold as exact arms, so putting a mismatched arm in with yours is not a good idea. Like you said, just use the three new arms you have. They are prob all 40-10's, just manufactured at different times. Or they could be the heavier arms sold for the RX-1's, but most likely are 40-10's.

I'd start with your old set up and tweak from there.

Just curious, how'd your prior 40-10 arm break?
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I have a full set of weights to install. Wondering how the extra 3g is going to effect the current clutching setup. Will I need to change my grey spring?

I broke the weight by tapping on it trying to break a bolt free.
modsrx said:
u should put that thread in the srx section

With every post being moved around in here lately its hard to guess where to post anymore.

I would have usually posted this in the SRX/Viper area but its a "tech" question about clutching I thot I should post here. If I'm wrong I'm sure it will be moved to the correct area. ;)!
the arms look totally different the end or tip of the arms are not the same also. looks to be a different set of arms all together
T.S.U.Filmz said:
the arms look totally different the end or tip of the arms are not the same also. looks to be a different set of arms all together

Must be the angle of my pics. I have lined up the pivot with the heel. The ramp or curve of the top is exactly the same. The tip is missing from the on I broke.
T.S.U.Filmz said:
oh the tip is broken on the top arm ok that is why it looked different.

Ha Ha Yeah i thought that would have been obvious as half the treads are missing for the tip bolt. LOL!!
Those weights have changed what they are made out of over the years, the earlier ones were more brittle cast type material, then he moved on to a more billet type material. the 3 grams differance is likely from that. I would just use all 3 the same material weights and run the current weight set up, try it and adjust according where needed.
