summer tech question contest submit.


Super Moderator
Sep 15, 2003
Freeland & Otsego lake, MI
tech contest submit.

Sounds fun Mr Sled. I will go first. This is the write up i did on e start install for viper. The tech pages have the oem manual install but the vipers are a bit different. I wish i would have had a easy step by step write up when i first started. It is post #4 in this thread. I dont know how to make just the post show up. If any of the mods can please do.
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e-start install
This may get long but heres what i did.
1). Take the clutch off and put the ring gear on. Torque to spec. Its a #30 torx wrench pec is 14 ft/lb. Use green locktite and let dry 24 hours. Very important to let dry!!

2) Install starter, follow the PDF files in the tech section. They have 2 great files with instructions.

3) Now the wiring, this is were it got tricky for me. First do the part that goes from the fuse box on the battery tray to the starter switch. Under the left foot cowel you will find a group of wires. One will be a capped end with a red, red/white, and black wire. This is what you wire the same color wires from the battery tray fuse box (Its also called the starter relay). I hard wired and then shrik wraped as i didnt have a factory end on my starter. If you followed the instuctions in #2 at this point your starter is done and working. If you want give it a quick test. The fuse box is not necessary. But yamaha put it their so i wanted one.

4) If you have the cool fuse box it will wire the same way as doing single fuses as i did. Under that same left cowel is 2 sets of wires that plug into each other. It will go as follows, cut and splice one at a time just so you dont mix up. Wire code as follows: Red wire to red/yellow wire (that is the ignition and uses a 10amp fuse. Blue wire to blue/red wire (that is tail light and is a 10amp fuse. Blue wire to blue/white ( that is your headlight and is a 20amp fuse). The 2 blue wires come from same source farther up the wire harness so if ya mix them up no big deal but i just went one at a time in order. Now you have your fuses wired up. DONE!!!! NO more pulling your arm off after riding all day. I love it.
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