600 clutch kit questions


New member
Apr 15, 2011
hey guys purchased my new (to me) 1998 srx 600 the other day. is it snowing yet?!?!?!?!?!!. the primary needs some work done it clunks and rattles. What i am wondering is what would you guys recommend for an aftermarket clutch "kit" for this machine. It is all stock though a aftermarket can is not out of the picture when the funds become available. i ride mostly ditches and some trails in northern Illinois. i dont do alot of top speed riding mostly short burst across fields and such thanks for the help guys
I liked Haucks #4 clutch kit on my stock SRX 700. I'm not sure if he has anything for the 600's. But there are lots of setups in the tech pages. Also I would recomend you stick with the stock muffler. I have tried a couple different aftermarket exhausts and for top end performance they offer nothing over the stocker.
if its rattling rebuild all th ebushings better safe then sry if u havent had one explode belive me you dont want one out of balance or ratling lol no good
thanks guys for the info i am going to go through both clutchs make sure everything is up to snuff. i will check out the tech pages
