Pulled Thru Power Valves


New member
Nov 23, 2007
ok guys i know most of us have put the sleds away for the summer and a very lucky few still havent had to yet and if you are still riding your sled you are one luckey sob ....or you live at the north pole ......i know i have talked to a few dozen guys needing valves fixed but they didnt want any down time while there was snow ..or they were low on funds ... AND as of rite now i am unemployed so i have time on my hands and need something to keep me busy ..so i am gonna run charge accounts for anyone who needs it ...SO JUST SEND ME YOUR POWER VALVES AND ILL REPAIR THEM AND WE WILL WORK OUT SOME KIND OF PAYMENT METHOD ..THAT WAY I DONT GET SWAMPED IN SEVERAL MONTHS WITH GUYS NEEDING THEM REPAIRED ..SO IF YOU NEED THEM REPAIRED OR YOU JUST WANT TO HAVE THEM REPAIRED SO YOU WONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THEM PULLING THRU ON YOU LATER ...so help me out and let me help you out ..i need valves to keep me busy and out of the wifes hair ..and i know there are valves out there that need repaired .even if they are not pulled thru yet they will eventually ..and fixing them before they pull thru helps prevent the cables from getting damaged ........so send me a private message and ill make you a charge account and give you the shipping information ...i am also gonna come up with a fair method of picking winners that will get there valves repaired for free ........MR.POWER VALVE (RICH)
Rich you are a generous man. Its guys like you that keep this place going strong. I'll be giving my wifes and my viper a powervalve checkup for sure. Just tore down and went through my daughters and they were good to go. Thanks again and dont drive the poor wife too nuts LOL! Chris
Do valves wear out, other than pull throughs? Will the body of the valve wear down? How much clearance should there be between the valves and the ports they sit in? Can this be repaired if the clearance is too great or would it be time for new valves?
anyone ?? i got a few sets i am workin on rite now ...and i am workin on getting my old job back ..so i am praying thing work out in my favor ...thats why i am still awake i am curious weather i am gonna unemployed still ..i like being able to spend all this time with daughters ...wish me luck thanks guys
I thought about trying to yank the valves in my sled this spring and seeing if the prior owner (a prior TY member) had it done.

If not, I'll definately be throwing them your way. One question I do have if I yank them and they aren't done.....do I need to get them immaculate before I send them your way?
tell me the guys name you bought it from and i can look in my records and see if he sent them to have them repaired ....no you dont have to make them shine i usually clean them prior to machining them cause a small layer of carbon can off center them in the lathe and make them impossable to machine dead center so just wipe them off good and wrap them up and send them out .......THANKS ..MR.POWER VALVE
also guys i have been doing some schooling/training to get my job back so i have been focused on that ...i have a few sets of valve here for repair that i am working on for a few guys ...i havent forgot about you guys you will be gettin them back in a week or so ..training has been taking up alot of my time ..but all my hard work has payed off i go back to work monday ;)! ..just want to say thanks to you guys for all your support and to the guys that have been waiting on valves to return ....i am just so happy to finally be returning to work ....but no worry guys i will NOT be shutting down the business for the summer ....but to ensure your valves are ready for winter get them pulled out and sent in now .cause come winter i get a flood of valves and guys want them back in a few days but dont realize there are up to 20 sets in front of theres to be done ..been many nights i come home from work at 3:30 in the morning and repair valves til around 10 in the morning before going to bed to do it all over again ...once again thanks for all the support guys ........MR.POWER VALVE

