throttle/kill switch spins


New member
Jul 1, 2007
Berlin NH
the last ride (of course) of this season i jumped a drift and when i came down the whole throttle/ kill switch assembly rotated 90deg i turned it back to where i needed it for the rest of the ride.

when i got home i tried tightening every bolt/nut/allen head on the assembly but it still slips. my thought is it is stripped out and that is causing the slipping. if this is the case, any easy ways (other then buying a whole new assembly) to stop the slipping??
There is only one large philips head screw that keeps it from spinning and its located on the underside of the throttle block. It is a fairly large headed screw.
Look for a crack. Can be hard to see and is fairly common. I had to replace one of mine before. Except it was just a case of over tightening the screws on my part and cracked the housing. Should be easy to get a new one if that is the case. Chris
if in fact yours does have the crack, when you put a replacement on, leave it slightly loose. this way the perch can rotate vs breaking when under presssure.

just tight enough to stay where you want it but loose enough to rotate with a bit of hand pressure.

havent broken one since i started leaving them a tad on the loose side.
