Whats my 2001 SRX 700 worth? Not sure what they are going for these days

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New member
Feb 17, 2011
3400 miles, gytr white skid plate, 14x121 lightweight ripsaw track, clutched, VERY clean. If it matters i'm northern MN listing it. Curious what I should be asking for it
$1000-$4000 is the going rate for these sleds

Blue book has them at $2800 in great condition I think
I paid 1900 for a 1999 SRX with 3000 miles here in IL last winter. Prices on Craigslist were $1900 to $2400 for similar.
I'm Gunna list it for 2600 and go from there... I'll obviously take less. If anyone knows someone looking, I have a nice one for them
should not have a problem gettin that out of it. sounds fair for both side of the deal. just noticed though you said it has a 14' wide track, is that a misprint or is there a reason you went with a little narrower track? stock is 15" them narrower tracks are a cat thing.
it's a lightweight 14" track, 8 lbs lighter than stock, less rotating mass=more speed. going from stock track to this track, RPM raised 500 rpm. so had to adjust clutching for the track. everyone wonders how I get 116mph on GPS out of it... the track was a big factor in it, along with finely tuned clutching. Thing is a rocket
Thers 1 01 on c list in traverse city with 7000 miles for 1500 o.b.o. says it has a new track with 500 miles. theres a 98 that needs track for 800 o.b.o.
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