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What did yamaha do if anything to the 2004 vipers ? Compared to the 2002's ? New seat ? Better shock valving ?
think the shocks valving was diffrent but not entirely sure on that. they did have a better seat, and also added dcs sensor to the head to detect detonation issues. also had the better controls moved up onto the handlebars for the hand/thumb warmers. im sure there is more but this is what comes to mind right now.
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Did they also come with a rear rad ?
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quebec#1 said:Did they also come with a rear rad ?
Yes they do
Rear shocks are steel,nonrebuilds and position sensitive.Front shocks are ohlin clickers,too! I just bought back my 02, but can tell ride differences compared to the 04 Viper S!
New member
This one is a non viper s no Ohlin's the guy can no longer be contacted ! Its too bad i was going to buy this one with under 1500 miles.
You seem to have updated yours alot,unless you have high miles, a few more refines will get ypurs to equal any 04 Viper ( clutch mod and shock update). I like the Blue better too!
New member
Had a 2002 viper put lots of money and add on's and sweat to make that sucker shine all to have some idiot kids steel it a few years back and roll it over a few times on a joy ride the cops found it a few weeks later i settled with the insurance company and bought a 2007 apex gt a few years back and just sold it a few weeks ago. Never put so much money into a sled like the apex .
No longer into major rides and trying to cut back in expenses so i figured not to get completly out of the sport i would try and find a mint viper or srx (very reliable )
No longer into major rides and trying to cut back in expenses so i figured not to get completly out of the sport i would try and find a mint viper or srx (very reliable )
Just did same myself and bought back my 02 Viper. It won't cost me the $ to get this sled right. I did that the first time I owned it til 07. Best thing is he only put 500 mi. on it! Only has 4700 mi. on it...
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Viper S said:Just did same myself and bought back my 02 Viper. It won't cost me the $ to get this sled right. I did that the first time I owned it til 07. Best thing is he only put 500 mi. on it! Only has 4700 mi. on it...
Funny isnt it ! I did love the Apex but man did i put lots of money into that sucker. Sure the engine is bullit proof but everything else after 10,000 miles just falls apart. For the $4500 + maybe more in 3 years that i put into it i could have put in a bunch of rebuilds if it were a 2 stroke. Viper was trouble free for nearly 4500 miles my 2000 polaris xc 700 only had a track change and two pistons.
As the apex/attack ect platforms age im seing more and more people sinking in big money into these sleds.
I still trust the viper's and srx's even though they are dated they still have that special fun factor .

maybe Yamaha should of stayed with the 2 strokes and not even touched 4 stroke motors.There is something about 2 strokes that appeal to many..smoke is one the smell of it myself and easy to rebuild or mod up and lighter propbably.You are into BIG money with the 4 strokes initially and if you have to add a bunch more after 10,000 miles is insane for a sled that cost so much.For an example,my 2001 SXR600 is in GREAT shape for all the rough riding I do with it.I just rebuilt the motor because I wanted to,didn't need to yet as it still ran fine.With all the jumps I have done with it,the rough has not failed me..nothing has snapped or fallen off it yet..go figure.
I will keep riding my 600 and 700SRX until I can't ride no more.I have no need for them new version sleds out there with more features that can keep breaking down.My SXR is a blast to it..
I will keep riding my 600 and 700SRX until I can't ride no more.I have no need for them new version sleds out there with more features that can keep breaking down.My SXR is a blast to it..

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Dont plan on getting rid of my vipers any time soon. In fact im debating on selling my 96xt this fall, its now the extra sled now that i got my daughter the viper. Its always been mine, well taken care of, and never let me down. Makes a good backup, buddy sled. I love my vipers for sure!!!!