transfer rod spacer question


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Hey guys i am in the process of rebuilding the skid on my 98 srx 600. i just purchased the machine and wanted to make sure everything was tip top before i put it in storage for the summer. I have religously followed bethevipers "tighten up your skid" post. doing all the mods he suggested. my skid had one top transfer rod spacer missing. i just pointed to the spacer on the parts break down for the parts guy and he ordered me one up. the spacer i recieved is thicker than the spacer on the other side. my total gap is about 8mm with the new thicker shim which is on the tight side of bethevipers range for short travel sleds. i am ok with that because i am looking for an aggresive trail set up. my question comes from the pro action set up video i found in an old thread it says reducing upper gap from stock is not recommended followered by a stern red slash across the screen. will this thicker spacer on the top negatively effect something i would think that the thicker spacer is stock because it was apparently the "default" part number on the break down. hopefully someone can clear this up for me. i really appreciate all the help this site has been great.
to partially answer your question, you may have ordered the wrong shim.

the srx's from 98 used two different sizes. the stock srx used a 5mm shim and the ohlins equipped srx's used a 7.5mm.

depending on if your sled has the ohlins or not may help deciding which shim is correct.
IIRC, thinner spacer is MORE transfer. It allows the rod to move an extra .5mm. The thicker one will make it want to squish less.
Just make sure it is evenly gaped,,,,,,, use different sizes to tune to your riding style.......more or less transfer...
thanks guys for all the help just wanted to make sure using a thicker shim up top wouldnt cause some unforseen issue
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