Using premium in Vipers?


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
With all the threads this past season about Vipers going down with a lean burn down in the mid range,plus I had to rebuild my buds with the same problem,I see that the most common way to combat this is to richen the mid range by lowering the needle e clip down one notch.What about running premium fuel for the higher octane and absence of the hated ethanol?Would this also help?
I know that the use of regular gas is a benefit price wise but I know that here in Canada,at least in NB,premium doesn't have any ethanol and this could be a way for Viper owners to add another measure of insurance?
I ask this because I'm considering buying one for my son to ride next winter and am looking to stay ahead of any possible burndowns.
I ALWAYS run premium in all my sleds unless i have no other choice. From the info ive read it also helps combat burn down like going up on jetting. Chris
I did a search but couldnt find it. MRVIPER had talked about running premium and how it effects burn down. Maybe he will read this and add to this post. Chris
Its one of those dammed if ya do and dammed if you dont. I preffer running premium in all my yami's but you also have to keep in mind how fresh is fuels in question? If a paticular station sells alot of regular it would be fresher than premium that may have ben sitting in tanks for who knows how long. I have heard good things about the opti-cool head gasket and something about using srx base gaskets. Dont own a viper and dont personally knowanyone who has.
brother has an 02 viper and dad has a 05 venture with the viper motor. the venture has dcs. we are running br10eix in both sleds as this is like jetting up 1 size all around. both have the same clutching and are 136". venture is down 1 tooth on gearing compared to the viper but both are pretty close. the venture dcs light comes on less with 87 than it does with 91 and we use seafoam every tank to stabilize the gas. we have been trying to do wot runs on the lake and keep the dcs off and this is what has been working the best. fill at the same stations all the time and the one we buy 91 at sells enough for it to be pretty fresh.

we found that we get more power with 87 and the sled has crisper throttle response. with 91, it is lazy even at operating temp. plugs always read on the ritch side of good so we leave the jetting alone.
Your fortunate that your Premium doesn't contain ethanol. In NY all gasoline has it. But run the premium anyway.
Knowing what we know about current day fuel quality anybody who doesnt run premium is crazy.
I use premium in everything, my car, truck, sleds, mower. In the end the price difference isnt even noticeable considering the peace of mind it gives me. The price difference here between supreme and regular is about 7 cents, based on a 30 litre sled fillup thats about $2.10. I dont imagine you can buy a circlip to start your rebuild for that much.
I always use premium in my Viper and my wifes Polaris. Few extra cents per fillup just gives me piece of mind. I always use either Startron or K100 also. Couple of ounces per tank to keep the fuel from seperating. Damm Ethanol in gas these days drops the octane rating to begin with, plus its hygroscopic, and I dont really need any water seperating my gas,or leaving smeg in my fuel system hence the Startron or K100. Works for me but to each his/her own.
:letitsnow :letitsnow
Sure it does. Up to the octane rating your buying at the pump. Now,since the crap absorbs water so quickly your back to the original octane rating before the Ethanol was added which would be roughly 84 if you bought 87. It would be great if we could buy it right off the refinery floor, fresh as could be such luck. Thats why I buy Premium and run an additive. 'If' the octane rating is actually what it says on the pump, it probably wont be for too long. There have been plenty of discussions on this on this site. If reg. or premium has worked for you, great!
Like I said, to each his/her own. Just my .02. & just my views on the matter.

:letitsnow :letitsnow
During the winter there is very little moisture in the atmosphere for the ethanol to absorb in the first place. Octane reduction only occurs if phase seperation happens. Unlikely over cold winter months.
Burndowns in Viper is primarily from the crap head that does not flow correctly. Buy the trick head gasket at the very least. Search my username for all the details.
Hey Stingray,
Did you ever end up raising your needle in addition to the gasket? Difference on power? gas mileage? Your riding at elevation too right?
