long track + long travel srx


VIP Member
Oct 21, 2010
Neenah wis
Getting ready to make my 98 srx into a 136 (hartman kit) question i have is ,that i have a 98 xtc skid and will it work in my srx and if the front end rods longer off the xtc if so will they work to make my srx a tab wider?
the xtc skid will work with the addition of some different drop brackets and maybe relocation of the backing plates.

as for your front end, the widening effect will be created by using not only the tie rods but the upper and lower radius as well as adapting the longer shocks.

the srx had a ski stance of just under 41", the xtc's were just over 42", mostly created by the increase in front travel using longer suspension components.
thanks,i was going used all the front end parts,i know the shocks willn't work any ideas on some to use? so i would better off just put a set of vipers shock or the shocks of the xtc to a little more travel with my srx skid.I just trail ride and just looking a little better ride
you should be able to adapt the xt's shock by fabricating a spacer and setting one side of the clevice to the outside of the srx's mount and the other side in, using the spacer so it wont collapse the stock mount or squeeze the clevice on the xt shock. i have used brass collars from the hardware store to achieve this, as well as misc steel collars found at other shock mounting points on the suspension. even with viper shocks the same issue arises.

your in a good position with the xt parts to long travel the srx. also, you will need to swap stabilizers if you choose to run one.
snowdad4snipyour in a good position with the xt parts to long travel the srx. also said:
Or perhaps use some shims/spacers between the dog bone links and trailing arm/sway bar to make up for the increased ski stance. Not sure if the application is the same but that's what I did when Viperizing the front end on my '01 SRX.
I bought an xtc skid and front shocks a few years ago and put them on my sled. The skid bolted right up (when my sled was still a short track). But I rigged up the shocks and bolted them in and they were WAY too long to work. The xtc shocks actually made my front in narrower because they pushed down on the suspension too much. You couldn't even steer the sled properly.I just unbolted them and put them aside and bought a set of RX1 shocks and put them on. You have to machine one end of them down narrower to fit into your trialing arm mount but they are a good rebuildable shock and work fine. Look for the shorter ones (16-161/2" long I think). I think they came on mtn rx1's and warriors. Guys also use fox floats on their front ends too.
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Thanks ,Got the whole xtc sled so i'm going to tranfer the all the front end parts (ie all the rods) just have to work out the front shocks.will ck on rx1 ones and any other model or brands open all ideas
disregaurd the post above on the skid plates and drop brackets. the skid will bolt right in, no mods needed. You will need to adjust everything about that skid once it is in and your front end is done, right down to the rubbers under your spindle. When the skid is out do the mods to it from the post below, it is going to make it a better working, longer lasting skid. If you can afford it, send the rear shocks out to someone to have revalved, a revalved.
The front shocks you have will work, you dont need viper shocks, xtc shocks ride and handle good, not perfect but good. change out the sway bar for the xtc, if you can find one, a venture bar is better. buy new bushings for the sway bar where it goes through the frame, you can replace these every year.
if you can afford it, buy a set of arrow skis and a boss seat, raise the bars 3in and hang on.
: hay madmark i done this to my sled about 5 or 6 yrs ago.i used xtc radius rods & tierods have stock shocks i used those maximum drop brackits that no one has anymore.i also have a viper rear sked.get the front shocks stock or the xtc or ?.and the front end will have somuch downforse that turning around or trail rideing will not be same anymore.my sons srx is stock compar to mine thay handel deffrent.you are going too like this setup!! ;)! :yam:
Sound good,i got the whole xtc,and all 4 vipers shocks so i should be in good shape.And the 136 kit from Hartman inc.So i can used differ combines of shocks to get best of both world.Will be doing the setup from Betheviper.So thanks to all that reply and that one of many reasons that site is the best ,everyone willing to help all
