Question about windows and clipping


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2011
Muskegon Michigan
I have decided to put a camoplast hacksaw on my 02 Viper ER and Stud it w/ Woodys megabites. My question is about clipping and windows. What are the pros and cons of open and closed windows and fully clipped vs every 3rd clipped. What would be best for my sled. Also what number of studs would be good for casual packed trail riding. I just want to run the studs up the middle, none on the outside. Thanks in advance
gil7247 said:
I have decided to put a camoplast hacksaw on my 02 Viper ER and Stud it w/ Woodys megabites. My question is about clipping and windows. What are the pros and cons of open and closed windows and fully clipped vs every 3rd clipped. What would be best for my sled. Also what number of studs would be good for casual packed trail riding. I just want to run the studs up the middle, none on the outside. Thanks in advance

I would run a fully clipped track on a Viper... Things I found on fully clipped was better cooling but little more hyfax wear... closed window will have less hyfax wear, less cooling more friction for racing... it really depends on how you are running the sled.... racing or trail?
gil7247 said:
Also what number of studs would be good for casual packed trail riding

120 up the middle which would be a 2-3-2-3 pattern on your 121" track.
144 up the middle, stay away from patterns that put studs anywhere in the center 3inches of track. keep them to the outside where they do something.

clipped or not is a condition issue. I like the unclipped for studding as above because it allows placement of studs closer to the slides on those bars.
dont forget to make sure you have your track clearenced for the guards. These sleds are built around a 3/4in track, anything above that needs to be removed above the windows or you will lose speed and mpg. I think I saw some models now are offered with them cut.

If you dont put on tons of miles on dirt or pavement, put 144 chissles up the middle. I used them the first year and they worked great, lasted well, not quite as good stopping or in a corner as a pick but hook up was tremendous.
