IQ Skid in SRX? How difficult an install?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I have toyed with the idea of an Edge and SCIII skid in my 99 SRX.

I have found a reasonably priced IQ skid, with Fox Zero Pro Sensitive 5 shocks that I am looking at..

I did see that a couple of people managed to install IQ skids in SRX's, with 1/2 shim plates, etc..

I am a newbie to skid installs. What would i need to do to install this skid?

Drop Plates?
plenty of info available around here for swapping skids. although you may not find that particular skid mentioned, the same basic principals apply.

first and most important is access to the mounting points from the donor sled.

next would be mapping out your tunnel for placement of the new skid, followed by accurately drilling mounting holes and correctly installing backing plates at these points.

dfferences in skid widths can be made up with these plates as well as shims or spacers if necessary.

the task is relatively easy with the right tools and mechanical ability. you will find lots of guidance here if you opt to make the swap. i have done several, but never using the IQ skid.

ask around on the site for someone who has done one or has a iQ. if that doesn't work make a mock up of the tunnel with plywood or plexi glass. you need the drivers, andshaft out of your machine as well as track. it's not easy but you need to get the anchor points and make sure the suspension doesn't bind or it will tear or twist your tunnel. I thought mtndreamer had a thread on it. good luck.
spwild47 said:
If I don't have access to donor sled what can I do?
thats a popular chassis for polaris. check you local area for someone who has one or i am sure you could find the info on other forums from polaris owners.

funny part about us sledders, we seem to be helpful in situations such as this.
I put an edge skid in mine and it's AWESOME. I agree about the fox pss, I have two so I always have a freshly rebuilt one on hand. I got my measurements from
