Nuvi 500 w/topo maps


VIP Member
Dec 13, 2007
Ramsey Minnesota, United States
I just bought a Nuvi 500 w/topo maps... or at least it's supposed to have topo maps. I can't seem to find them. I've scowered their website and can't figure it out. The website says to turn off the street view maps and the topo will be visable but, all I get is a really lame basemap. I've sent an email to their support, but thought I'd post something here as well.
I have an older nuvi. Might be the same SW.
Go to settings,then maps. then hit the map info button
Switch to toggle your maps on

This is how I have to turn on the topo and trail maps
OK, I've done that and only get a very low qual base map no topo map. I just got an email from Garmin saying I need to purchase the topo map... WTH, I bought the Nuvi 500 because it says it comes with the topo maps installed, I shouldn't have to pay extra. That's what I told them too. Thanks for for the input.
Just so you all know, it turned out be a updater glitch. The free update they offered for registering, erased the topo maps. they have offered to send me new 24K topo maps, the installed topos were 100K so we're good to go when I get them.

P.S. I purchased the Midwest trail maps from as well. Looking forward to using them!! SledGPS is selling their maps right now for $39 instead of $49, I thought that was pretty good deal!!
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Anybody know how to put all your extra maps on one card and get the Nuvi to see them all? I noticed that all those maps have the same file name... I tried adding a number to each name, but the Nuvi still won't see it or says that the map cannot be unlocked.
