Kimpex Ultimate Traction 121 x 15 x 1 Opinions??


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2011
Muskegon Michigan
I'm looking for opinions on this track. Also Al's has this track pre studded with 96 mack studs for 499. It seems like a good deal if it's a decent track. I do mostly casual trail riding I'm not a racer by any means. Thanks
from the sounds of supposed to be good.I will get one of them the next time for the SRX/Netefrog on here has ridden one for a season with studs and tells me it is holding up..
Got one on the wifes viper and love it. Great all around track. Wanted one on the daughters viper but my sled salvage yard was out of their new ones and too hard for them to get as over stocks now and sell at discount. Track has become very popular, Highly recommend. And as far as price that doesnt seem to out of line from what i was seeing. I did see on ebay a track stud package for around that but cant remember a price.
yep, i would definantly recomend the ultimate traction. i have the .750" with 1.0" studs simply for the fact that i do a few radar runs every season and the shorter lug height is an advantage in speed runs. for strictly trail riding they offer a 1" lug height which might suit your needs better, but the 3/4" lug works fine for me on trail.
Netefrog..were you just waiting for me to mention your name and bam you reply on ;)! I would like to get one for the SRX since I blew the track last season..but probably won't be able to for the season coming.Money is real tight and the SRX will sit for the next season at least.I will just use the 600 since it is running well.The track on it is still useable for another season at least.And with the price of fuel staying high,probably won't ride as much either..things are changing and paying my house bills come first I am afraid...spent way to much on sleds last season and now am getting short of funds... #$%&* :o|
i donnot recomend any kimpex tracks for any machine, the quality is not there, lots of people i ride with rip lugs off all the time, especially when its studded you get lots of pull outs
Yes Blue, I am the TY troll. lol. Lurking, waiting for Ski-Doo riders to pounce on. Why don't you just swap the track from the 600 on to the 700 and keep the beast active. And as for Perry. Thats what I thought too until i bit the bullet and pulled the trigger on a Kimpex track. That track is tough, I put it through 500, 1320 and 2000 ft radar runs plus lake racing plus trail riding and it looks brand new. It still has all of its 144 studs, no rips no nothing.
Perry said:
i donnot recomend any kimpex tracks for any machine, the quality is not there, lots of people i ride with rip lugs off all the time, especially when its studded you get lots of pull outs

I've got a 1" Kimpex Aggressor on my '01 SRX that came off my '96 XCR with 144 diggers inside and out and its holding up fine. Over 6k miles with no pull outs or torn lugs. Durability has been outstanding!

I too was leary about Kimpex but it's been the most durable track I've used.
i've also got that track (1 inch) on my 98 SRX7 and it is holding up just fine. i've got approx 6000km on it and still looks good. i've also got 192 studs and no pull throws and good lugs. I'm seriously thinking of getting that same track for my 01 this fall, time to get rid of the crappy stock track ;)!
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