MBRP race vs. trail can??


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Seacoast NH
Hey guys,
Has anyone here had any experience with the trail can version or even a lower pitched, lower sound level can? Got a race version when I purchased my Viper last year and it's just too loud and whiny for me and my my area of riding. I have read all the posts about the stock can being the best but I'd really like something that makes that triple sound really stand out.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
--Brian :winterrul :letitsnow
I really liked the sound of the hauk growlers. I ultimately switched back to stock though.
Thanks snowpax. I appreciate the response. Didn't think Id get a whole lotta response on that question. Im totally against really loud cans atleast around here. Very residential trails and dont want to piss any land owners off. I don't even know if they make a can that has just a little bit more sound over stock. Really looking for more of a low growl than anything
oh well the search continues. Certainly not a showstopper if it doesn't work out. The race can I have is like new if anyone is interested. send me a pm.
My neighbor had a 2005 ski Doo Rev 800 with a Mbrp trail can on it. Even being the trail version it was still really loud. Louder then my piped viper was. I know bender and hauck make a can for a viper. Dont think you want a sno stuff rumble pack. They are loud just like a Mbrp.
i have a buddy that took some baffles out of the stock muffler on a sxr and it was a nice deep tone. but i don't know what it would sound like on a srx.
383 I've heard that mod on an srx and it provides similar results. You just need a hole saw and an extension. I believe you just cut through the first baffle. There should be a post about it somewhere
Nice!! Thanks. Thats the sound! Welcome to the group Lifesagarden. Enjoy! Pretty cool people on here with alot of knowledge.
--Brian :wel: :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
