Soemthign fell into my crank what to do

I stongly advise pulling the engine and turning it upside down as Pro116 and others suggest. I would then turn the crank easily to ensure that all debris falls out. Compressed air, and gasoline bath can also help chase debris out. Be careful when turning the crank to not jam any debris or scratch your rods or pistons. Treat it like mom's good china.

Remember that on a 2-stroke engine, the fuel charge (air/fuel/oil) flows through the area that you have debris in. If you run it without getting all of this debris out it will end up in a combustion chamber and likely "blow" the engine.

I also am concerned on how you broke a piece off. This is a no-no when assembling an engine. Something just isn't right with the picture I am getting from reading your post. Maybe actual pictures might help get some good advice.
guys can i take the windshield off and tip the sled over would that make the piece come out of the crank or how would commpressed air work i have a big air compresser
I would make post looking for someone in that area on here that would be able to help you and explain a few things.

There has been many post on hre in the past with people looking fr help.Many members are glad to help free of charge.

Remove the motor most likely if you pulled on the rope you lodged the piece between the crank and the cases.
the motor is a little heavy..hurt my back taking and putting mine back in.So I got a winch mounted on ceiling and rigged 4 cables to attach to motor and pushed the button and up she came.Make sure you disconnect the coolant lines and oil lines and carb lines prior and as you lift.Drain coolant first of course..There is lots to learn here and after you have done this will stick with you.Keep notes and pics handy.GET a repair manual as well..good luck....You really need someone there that is famaliar with all this. I strongly suggest..there is no fast way or cutting corners now.Do it by the book and you will have a nice running motor..rush it and miss will be all for nothin....
I would really invest in a shop manual if you would like to do our own work.It tells you how to do everything and anything in there with pics and has every spec and torque spec.
pro116 said:
I would really invest in a shop manual if you would like to do our own work.It tells you how to do everything and anything in there with pics and has every spec and torque spec.

Only way to go! Even with these guys helping you as best they can you need a set of eye's that can walk you through it. And go to your dealer and get the manual, not the cheap internet one a real manual. Best money you can spend to get this project started right.
panthers don't let some of these guys get ya down. Just go slow and remember nothing on a Yamaha engine needs to be forced. If it does not fit easily stop and look everything over.

We all had our first engine build (those of us that build our own) just be carefull and ask lots of questions. Ignore people that berate you for asking as these are the people that know the least.

Me? I built my first engine solo at age 12, it was a 1964 Yamaha 80cc took me Had to go to the Yamaha shop and beg them to split the cases for me, rest I did. Point is we all had a start, don't get discouraged.
