Electrical problem srx


New member
Dec 19, 2010
jackson michigan
guys i was bleeding ot my coolant system tonight and got it all the way up to normall running temmpeture and the tac shut off the speedo and all the lights shut off what would cause this looked at all the connections and they seem to be good the sled still runs good
Common issie with the srx. Rub through under the engine most likely. Do a search tons of info.
All clasic signs of wire harness rub throughs/ stator problems. Start with the easy one first, check all connections good and look your wire harnness over really good. You will have to pull it out from under engine to do this. Do a search or just ask as to how, ive never done it before.
You really need to learn to take the advise you are given,and stop doubting what you are told, there are alot of guys who know alot and alot of info on this site, you just need to learn how to use it. Do some searches, and like stated above, WIRE RUB THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
panthers06232 said:
i dont know how to check the wire under the engine i cant see them any suggestions

Search using key words "rub through" and you'll find a few days worth of reading and I'm sure some pics as well.

Bottom line - the harness that runs under the engine needs to be removed and visually inspected for signs of rub through both on the harness tape and wire insulation.

Unplug the harness at one end, tie a piece of string to it, pull it through and out leaving the string in place to help with the install, inspect for damage, repair, tie it back to the string and pull the string as you giude the harness back in place, plug it back together.

Something you definately want to do before dropping coin on a stator.
as snomofo said, the search feature here is your best friend. you'll get tons of info on pretty much any problem you run into. and the best thing (especially this time of year when things are slow) you can usually find your answers faster than you get replies. good luck with the sled, you're in the right place here, it'll all come together
It should be misfiring also then.After I check my harness when motor was out,I re-taped the whole harness and looped it up over the pull start.Not realizing I took my sled out for a first run after the rebuild.Got about 4 miles out and was coming back when my tach,speedo and lights went out suddenly and the motor wouldn't rev up.I had to stop..give it gas and move ahead over and over and finally got home.Couldn't figure it out as all wires look good.Then one time when it was running I saw a spark type of arching between the banding on the exhaust pipe and the pipe.That was odd I thought,but meant something is creating this arch.Turns out the harness I looped over the pull start just above the coolant hose that runs there...was burned thru pretty good,exposing around 3 wires thus causing the arch..I fixed the harness and dropped the harness further away from pipes.This solved it and everything was working again..got scared for a bit especially after a re-build.Thought I blew a piston or something.A bare wire somewhere will be arching to something and grounding things..

harness goes under the engine,disconnect the connections on the left side that plug the tach/lights.Tie a wire or rope to this end.Take pipes off and you will see the harness going down under,you have to unbend some tabs that keep harness in place..look down thru the steering linkage area and you will see tabs.You check everything over real good andwhen done,use the rope to pull it back thru.Check for rub thrus also under the handle bar pad.I had mice eat away my foam in place on 2 sleds and also ate thru the plastic covering wires..pissed me off of course.Trace along the CDI box on left side frame beside the gas tank and just try and follow all wires.You should find some bare or rub thru's somewhere.Have patience and check good.

You can see some of the harness on the left side in the photo..


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