I thought I would make a write up detailing the steps to replace the in-tank fuel filter. This was the most reliable and easiest method I could come up with. I didn't see any other write ups concerning the filter, so if this information has been covered I apologize.
Tools Needed
10mm socket
Coat Hanger
String (I used my emergency starter rope, something finer would be better)
Tank should be mostly empty of fuel. A few inches at the bottom of the tank is fine.
1. Form a long straight wire using the coat hanger. Use a pair of plier to put a 90° 1/2" bend at the end of the wire. This will be used to fish out the filter.
2. Remove airbox from sled.
3. Remove clamp and fuel pump feed line from the fuel tank.
4. Remove the two 10mm bolts from the fuel tank outlet fitting. The same fitting fuel line was just removed from.
5. Pull the fitting a few inches from the fuel tank. The rubber hose will be attached.
6. Yamaha uses a band clamp to hold the hose onto the fitting. Grasp the fitting and hose and work it free from the fuel outlet. remove the band clamp from the hose and set aside.
7. Firmly tie a knot around the end of the hose. Make certain it is secure.
8. Remove gas cap and gas tank collar (the white plastic collar just under the gas cap.)
9. Use the coat hanger to fish out the old filter. It is located on the left side of the tank, closest to the pto. It can be a little tricky to fish out.
10. as you pull the the filter up and out of the tank, feed the rubber hose through the gas tank. You should be able to pull the filter well up and out of the gas tank.
11. Replace filter
12 (Optional) If you want an easier run of it next time, or if your hose is corroded you could at this point replace the line with 2 feet of 3/8" fuel line. This should allow you to pull the filter up and out of the gas tank without having to remove the other end of the fuel line from the fuel tank outlet. Just tie the string on to the new line to fish it back out into place.
13. Set the hose and filter back in to the tank and use the string to fish the line back through the opening of the tank.
14. fit the hose and clamp back onto the fuel outlet. I find it is easiest to put the band on the hose tip and work the hose back onto the barb fitting.
15. install the two 10mm bolts. Do not over tighten. The threads in the tank look like they may be brass.
16. Reconnect the fuel pump line and replace airbox.
While this method may seem like more work, it is much less frustration then trying to grab the hose with rheostats or worse accidently dropping tools into the gas tank while trying to remove the filter or clamps. If you take the time to install a longer line then next season you could easily fish out the filter and pop a new one on.
Tools Needed
10mm socket
Coat Hanger
String (I used my emergency starter rope, something finer would be better)
Tank should be mostly empty of fuel. A few inches at the bottom of the tank is fine.
1. Form a long straight wire using the coat hanger. Use a pair of plier to put a 90° 1/2" bend at the end of the wire. This will be used to fish out the filter.
2. Remove airbox from sled.
3. Remove clamp and fuel pump feed line from the fuel tank.
4. Remove the two 10mm bolts from the fuel tank outlet fitting. The same fitting fuel line was just removed from.
5. Pull the fitting a few inches from the fuel tank. The rubber hose will be attached.
6. Yamaha uses a band clamp to hold the hose onto the fitting. Grasp the fitting and hose and work it free from the fuel outlet. remove the band clamp from the hose and set aside.
7. Firmly tie a knot around the end of the hose. Make certain it is secure.
8. Remove gas cap and gas tank collar (the white plastic collar just under the gas cap.)
9. Use the coat hanger to fish out the old filter. It is located on the left side of the tank, closest to the pto. It can be a little tricky to fish out.
10. as you pull the the filter up and out of the tank, feed the rubber hose through the gas tank. You should be able to pull the filter well up and out of the gas tank.
11. Replace filter
12 (Optional) If you want an easier run of it next time, or if your hose is corroded you could at this point replace the line with 2 feet of 3/8" fuel line. This should allow you to pull the filter up and out of the gas tank without having to remove the other end of the fuel line from the fuel tank outlet. Just tie the string on to the new line to fish it back out into place.
13. Set the hose and filter back in to the tank and use the string to fish the line back through the opening of the tank.
14. fit the hose and clamp back onto the fuel outlet. I find it is easiest to put the band on the hose tip and work the hose back onto the barb fitting.
15. install the two 10mm bolts. Do not over tighten. The threads in the tank look like they may be brass.
16. Reconnect the fuel pump line and replace airbox.
While this method may seem like more work, it is much less frustration then trying to grab the hose with rheostats or worse accidently dropping tools into the gas tank while trying to remove the filter or clamps. If you take the time to install a longer line then next season you could easily fish out the filter and pop a new one on.
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