What's so special about a viper top idler wheel 7"??


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2011
Muskegon Michigan
I need to replace the top 7" idlers on my viper. They were frozen on the shaft and I had to beat the heck out of them to get them off but that trashed the bearings. New from Yamaha they are about $70 a piece. I can't just change the 6205rs bearing as it appears the wheel was moled around the bearing. They are 7" od with a 6205 bearing that is 25mm i.d. (number 38 on the parts diagram) Srx wheels have a diffeerent partnumber but if they would work they are much cheaper (about $17 each) Any imput would be appreciated. Thanks GIL
thats the way i understood it, molderd bearings vs changable ones. wheels look identical at a glance, same od on the wheel, same id on the bearing. you will run into the same issues on the rear axle wheels as well.

there was alot of complaining about these wheels with the 4 strokes and i think yamaha changed them back. price difference would be less bearing. i have a set of the changable bearing style handy if you want some comparison measures.
I changed all mine over to srx ones. The bearings are removable. Changed over to the srx shaft also. It is much heavier then the viper one and doesnt wear down like the viper one.
Actually I just checked with Yamaha parts diagram and the saft and bushings are the same part number so its just the wheels that are differentand the srx wheels are only $17.48 a piece. Lot better then $77 ea. Thanks Guys
