95 vmax 500 carb cleaning...

88 yamaha 570

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bridgeport, NY
hello ive decided to take my carbs apart on my 95 vmax 500 to see if i can find out why this thing blew up the pto side cylinder, is it safe for me to pull the TORS off and just soak the whole thing in kerosene? im about to tear into them and clean as much as possibly and see if the carbs might have been set wrong or something... any info or things to watch out for would be greatly appreciated.
No dont soak them in kerosene!! Just take one side apart at a time. Use carb cleaner and compressed air. Follow the carb cleaning threads in the tech section. Not exactly like the 95 vmax but close enough for you to figure out the parts as you go. To be sure you must take them apart. Not as hard as you think. Just take your time and ask questions with pic's if you get stuck.
ive done it before on my 88 exciter, and some atv carbs but i was just wondering tips for these specific carbs and whats wrong with kero? ive heard of friends doing it because it cleans the jets really good
i have carb cleaner, but im just wondering whats wrong with kero? i was told to just soak them for a week or so in kero then use carb cleaner and it gets like super clean, what are some disadvantages of kero?
