Does anyone know the maker of this can? It was on the sled when I got it, and there is no brand name to be found. (I'm assuming the pictures will upload correctly, this is my first time trying to do so). Thanks in advance.
I forgot to mention it weighs in right around 10.5 pounds, thanks guys.
New member
want to say an old slp can, not tottaly sure though.....
Thanks for the response, it would seem logical that it would be printed on there somewhere, but not at all! If I am going to sell this thing I need to advertise it properly.
Active member
slp or mbrp would be my guess
I'm trying to match it up with these brand names online and can not find anything to compare favorably. Could be a non race can, I am pretty sure aftermarket companies like SLP and MBRP make trail and stock cans. Maybe it is a trail can, it doesn't sound super loud, mainly just more throaty than stock.
New member
it looks very similar to the slp can minus the elongated tube exiting the sled. its possible that it was re-painted. perhaps compare the sound to similar videos on youtube and maybe you can get a better idea of what it might be.
Yeah that is probably what I will end up doing. Any idea what aftermarket cans resale for? $75ish I'm guessing?
to me it looks like a d/g or dynoport
Looks like a sno stuff rumble pack to me...
Thanks guys, I will try and match it up by searching those brands on google to compare the looks or youtube to compare the sound. It must be one of the only aftermarket cans to not be significantly louder than stock, maybe that narrows down the possibilities?
New member
I have a MBRP and yours is not one.
WNR18 said:I have a MBRP and yours is not one.
Thanks, one possibility eliminated.
Looking at the quality and the bottom of the exhaust exit it looks alot like an SLP product.
just check the one i just bought and its not a dynoport
Thanks! ^^^ so that eliminated Dynoport and MBRP, I'm starting to think it's an older SLP like tippmannator first suggested.
New member
Any of the SLP cans I've seen had a larger oval canister and are quiet....I have never seen that can before and when I had my SRX I looked at every manufacturers offerings when I was going to buy one. MBRP and Sno Stuff usually look's neither one of those, definitly not a Bender or Dynoport or even a's got me stumped...maybe a DG?
shadow44 said:Any of the SLP cans I've seen had a larger oval canister and are quiet....I have never seen that can before and when I had my SRX I looked at every manufacturers offerings when I was going to buy one. MBRP and Sno Stuff usually look's neither one of those, definitly not a Bender or Dynoport or even a's got me stumped...maybe a DG?
Yeah I have no idea, not familiar with DG, but for the record it is very quiet considering it is aftermarket, barely louder than stock just more throaty.
I'm thinking it is most definitely a DG can at this point after seeing this: