new yamaha srx sno flap


Jan 19, 2008
minot ND
Has anyone else purchased a new flap? I just got my new one from yamaha and it is just a cut down version of my 07 apex flap with the same white lettering, I guess it looks OK but just unexpected.
sxr1000 said:
Has anyone else purchased a new flap? I just got my new one from yamaha and it is just a cut down version of my 07 apex flap with the same white lettering, I guess it looks OK but just unexpected.

I have the same one on my SRX... nice right? They could have put a little more thought into it.
Yamaha Srx Snow Flap

yeah real nice :o| :o| bought one up here in maine hated it then started searching dealers who mite have one in stock. because was told yamaha no longer makes them so hang on to the ones u mite have. found a few on epay but were pretty rough good luck i did finally get a flap that fits from dealer about 150 miles away
