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As most of you know Ryan was in a Motorcycle accident on May 22. We are having a benefit on Saturday, August 20th at Greenville Community Park (by the ball diamonds) from 12-6pm to help raise money to cover his medical bills and expenses as a result of the accident.
Ryan was riding his motorcycle and struck a car that went through a red light, ejecting him from his motorcycle. Ryan was wearing a leather jacket, helmet and riding boots, which may have saved his life, however, he suffered severe damage to his legs from the impact of the accident. Ryan has had several surgeries already due to his accident and will require additional surgeries in the future. Ryan has been unable to work due to his extensive injuries.
We hope you can make it out on Saturday to help raise some money for Ryan. We will have music, brats, burgers, hotdogs, beer, soda, water and desserts. We will be selling raffle tickets for a variety of baskets.
We are currently accepting donations for raffle items. If you or someone you know would be interested in donating an item(s), please let us know. You can contact Jill Skiba at 920-740-2477 or Shawna Rosetti at 920-540-0579.
We have been working hard to make this a success, I hope everyone can make it out!
If you would like to send a donation by paypal please note it as a donation and send to
If you want to mail a donation please send to:
Ryan Skiba Donation
N2081 Mayflower Rd.
Appleton, WI 54913
More Info:
As most of you know Ryan was in a Motorcycle accident on May 22. We are having a benefit on Saturday, August 20th at Greenville Community Park (by the ball diamonds) from 12-6pm to help raise money to cover his medical bills and expenses as a result of the accident.
Ryan was riding his motorcycle and struck a car that went through a red light, ejecting him from his motorcycle. Ryan was wearing a leather jacket, helmet and riding boots, which may have saved his life, however, he suffered severe damage to his legs from the impact of the accident. Ryan has had several surgeries already due to his accident and will require additional surgeries in the future. Ryan has been unable to work due to his extensive injuries.
We hope you can make it out on Saturday to help raise some money for Ryan. We will have music, brats, burgers, hotdogs, beer, soda, water and desserts. We will be selling raffle tickets for a variety of baskets.
We are currently accepting donations for raffle items. If you or someone you know would be interested in donating an item(s), please let us know. You can contact Jill Skiba at 920-740-2477 or Shawna Rosetti at 920-540-0579.
We have been working hard to make this a success, I hope everyone can make it out!
If you would like to send a donation by paypal please note it as a donation and send to
If you want to mail a donation please send to:
Ryan Skiba Donation
N2081 Mayflower Rd.
Appleton, WI 54913
VIP Member
Well said! The driver of the car should really be responsible for his medical bill, damages to the bike, and cover money not received due to his inability to work.
LaPorte429 said:Well said! The driver of the car should really be responsible for his medical bill, damages to the bike, and cover money not received due to his inability to work.
I agree but everything is so drawn to get payments back that you will be run into the dirt before it all said and done .... thats what hurts the most.
VIP Member
Yeah I can see where that would be an issue, how typical nowadays. Insurance should cover it either way, but a group effort is definitely needed. Hope Ryan isn't too shaken up from the accident and will continue to ride both motorcycles and snowmobiles!
how about a paypal account to submit donations for those of us who can't make it
VIP Member
staggs65 said:how about a paypal account to submit donations for those of us who can't make it
X2 ^^^
LaPorte429 said:X2 ^^^
I just updated the post this morning. All the info is there now for paypal or mailing.
nice work as always
New member
Wow,sorry to hear that!!
It's a real bummer that it happened. I know his younger brother, Dustin, a little better but I hope to make it to the benefit and donate a little. Both super good guys.
Awesome time at Ryan's Benefit on Sat!! I hope he raised a pile of money to help out his bills from the accident!!
Lifetime Member
Crap! I didn't know about it.
I've been there... I hope it went well. I had a couple and they were huge for me...
I've been there... I hope it went well. I had a couple and they were huge for me...
Lifetime VIP Member
Thanks for all the support and everyone that donated and praticipated.I was overwelmed with all of this.Thank you for helping me through the hard times.Ryan
man, I had no idea this happened! damn sorry to hear it, are things looking up at all?
whats the prognosis?
whats the prognosis?
Lifetime VIP Member
I'm going in for my 4th and final operation this Friday.They are going to pop the knee cap and pull the tiatanium rod out that goes from my knee to ankle and reem out the center of the leg for a bigger rod and put that in then half way between my knee and anle they are going to use the bone ther reemed out to go around the rod and bone graft where i have a chunk of my tibia missing to recconect the leg.I have been walking on that leg for a while now because the rod is supporting the weight.I will be back to one leg for a few weeks.I won't be back 100% but it could be wose tthe way I look at it.I got my cat off about a month ago on my right leg and that one is progressing real well.My internal stuff is back to normal.There hoping i will be able to return to work the end of December or begging of January long as everything goes good.
wow, scary stuff!! glad to hear it sounds like things are heading in the right direction though. good luck man!