tempa flow or atacc worth buying for a piped viper?


Lifetime VIP Member
Jun 23, 2011
Bismarck, ND
HEllo I am piping my viper and am trying to minimize changing jets all the time for mainly temp and I am wondering how these two systems mainly work and also if they work well and if they would even be worth buying for a piped viper

ANy information any of you can give me would be great thanks
This is a common Question, Most people said they love having them. do a search and you will find a couple of threads about this already.
I HAD a tempa flow on my SRX for a couple of seasons but took it off because of the tempermental nature of the device.When you stop and shut the engine off unless you are planning on staying put for a while you have to be very careful when you start riding again and what I mean is stay out of the throttle until the unit can equalize it's temperature.This tid bit of info would have saved me 2 burn downs had I had it a few years ago but other than that they do work quite well in that they keep you from having to re jet for temperature all the time.
I would be careful on a piped Viper. No personal experience, but many have had problems. I don't think the device caused the problem, but it just added more variables to the mix. The Viper engine is a bit tough to tune for pipes to begin with.

You will want to check the whole throttle / rpm range out.

I do run one on a single-piped Viper with no problems.
I ran tempa-flow last year on my slp'd viper. It definitely works. Jetting was right on. I was very paranoid tho about leaning the motor out after stopping for a break. I got stuck a few times after stopping for a break in deep snow b/c i didn't want to rip out of there WOT. I'm going to ride w/o it this year. I've saw mention in other posts about a way to rig it up so you can turn it on and off while riding but could never find details of how that's done. It's great technology but heating in the airbox is too big of a problem to overlook.
I have an Ataac carberator compensator on my Mt Viper and really appreciate the convenience of never have to change the jetting. While nothing is bulletproof, these do work. Closest thing you can get to EFI on these carbed sleds.
