Anyone have any tips. How is the primary held in place while taking the bolt out. Anything I should know before I do this?

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You will need to buy a puller. Get a OEM one from a dealer if ya can, $30. A lot of guys have luck with the ones from EPI also. Dont cheap out it can turn into a nightmare. You then need a clutch holder or i just stick a broom handle through it just to hold it still (not the best thing but works for me). Remove clutch bolt, i think its a 22mm standard threading left to loosen. Then the tricks that take all the work out of it. First to try is tip sled on side, fill hole with water, teflon tape the end of the puller and scew in puller. If no problems with clutch should pop off without much work. You can also use oil (messy) or fill it with grease (real messy but works). Might have to put a bar on your wratchet but it should come. Last resort is impact wrench and heat. I used impacts forever without any prob,ems but learned it can harm crank so i dont use it unless i run into a real stuck clutch. Also the clutch is fit on to a tapered end on crank. So when putting it back on you have to torque it twice. Dont remember numbers so do a search will pop up.
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