i've come accross a big problem, i've added a reverse to my msrx and i can't get my exhaust to fit, so i bought a dynopot and that don't fit ether, bought a mbrp and that did not fit so i cut one of the flanges on the chain case cover and still don't fit.
I'm Getting a little discouradged and tired of wasting money. i have a 98 msrx. does anyone know what can will fit for shure
I'm Getting a little discouradged and tired of wasting money. i have a 98 msrx. does anyone know what can will fit for shure
Do a search it has been done before.
i understand it has been done, and i have alrredy looked. Some on here say one thing and others say another. i bought this reverse with the dynoport can from the same TY guy i figured he would have know so i would like spacific to stop worriing
I had to r reshape my chain case on my srx to get my reverse to fit. I used an angle grinder. Hauck race cans for without modification.
New member
were did you get your reverse from and was it hard to install?
I had an MBRP can on mine with reverse and had to massage the exterior of the can a bit with a hammer to give some added clearance around the chaincase.It still will sit a little off to the side and rather close to the bellypan and hood so you will have to add a bit of insulation to prevent melting things but it will work.Also I had to weld a small tab onto the rear mount of the can where it bolts to the footwell stud so it can be secured.I'm not sure if you did this but the 2 ledges for the battery on the chaincase cover have to be cut off flush.
send me pictures of what is going on and I will try to help.
I ran a Bender can with reverse on my SRX. I cut the tabs off the chaincase cover but other then that I don't remember too much of an issue. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures and I no longer have this set up on my SRX as I have been using different pipes for many years now.
sorry guys i can't upload pictures no shure how. no the reverse is defanately not hard to install by any means, well what i did was cut one of the tabs on the dynoport that one of the suport rubbers were on, made a mounting braket welded to the can that bolts to the rear. use the round rubber insulator thats usually bolts to the chain case and moved it to the allum cross rail. its done but what a pain. it seems like all pipes have to be modified.
i have done a few reverse kits with stock pipes and after market as said cut the tabs off chain case cover and get out the hammer and make room for can to fit ....had to dent the heat sheild for it to fit ...but i have never used the orgional shift lever always cable shift so there might be some other clearnce issues ...email pics to me and ill post them for you laeehwtohms@yahoo.com
New member
Bender can will work with reverse on srx!!
New member
dyno port definately doesnt work...ran into the same issues when I added reverse to mine.... untimately the amazing sound won, and I ditched the reverse.
It WILL work with stock can though....
It WILL work with stock can though....
Yes the stock can will work you will just have to fab up an extension for thew mount tab where it bolts to the footwell as well it will be a good idea to add some kind of insulation around the 3 pipes on top of the can because it sits a bit too close to the cab and it will distort the cab a bit,trust me I know.
New member
Bender can fit perfect on my Viper with reverse.