New member
I have a 03 Viper 700 with boysen reeds 96 studs, and a Hauck Clutch kit. All else stock. Theres this grass drag event by where I live and I just want to know if theres anything quick I can do to the sled to make it perform better. 500 ft course. I've never grass dragged before so I'm looking for a little bit of advantage.
tighten up your limiter strap on the suspension
adjust your weight transfer
change your gearing 19/40 or 20/39
you might want to put more studs also
Are looking for buget setup?
adjust your weight transfer
change your gearing 19/40 or 20/39
you might want to put more studs also
Are looking for buget setup?
New member
Which hauk clutch kit #3 #4 or #5??
Active member
needaSRX said:tighten up your limiter strap on the suspension
adjust your weight transfer
change your gearing 19/40 or 20/39
you might want to put more studs also
Are looking for buget setup?

New member
I have the #3 clutch kit. Kind of looking for a budget setup.
tell me what weights and spring colors, helix letter you have and we can go from there. might just need some differnt set up.
youll need better gearing then stock and differnt amount of weight in the arms due to the gearing for grass racing.
youll need better gearing then stock and differnt amount of weight in the arms due to the gearing for grass racing.