Carbide and simmons, other dual runners


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Was speaking with bergstrim skegs on getting new carbides for my simmons gen 1. I was told 6 inches in the inside of each ski and a blank wear bar on the outside of each ski is all I need for 96 studs. Does that sound right. Ive always run 6 inches in and out. Can I run flats on the outside?
that is a good combo to have.I have simmons ski's,but haven't used them much since I bought the Arrow skis's with dual runners.On them I have 6 inch outside and 4 inch inside and do they every bite good in the corners..instant reaction is the outcome..
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The reason he suggest that is because the inside carbide does 90% or more of the turning with the way the ski tilts up in the turns.I think the triple points could be especially good on the simmons skis due to what I just said.Thats like 12" of carbide down in the turns!May have to try this next on my simmons.
With just 60 degree 6 inch runners the Simmons really grab.Only thing about the Simmons is the bar is exposed to much up front and can catch on stuff.I had a bad day last year with them when we were crossing a little rock damn on the river..there was a friggin flat channel or metal bar across the area and my Simmons caught them like nobody's business..when I got home I found 5 actual carbides were missing.You have to make some kind of a gaurd in front of the carbides.Heard this was an issue with the Simmons and if one grabs something and it doesn't re; either have a bent trailing arm or you goe over the handlebars.Simmons should of released a recall on this and supplied protectors for people who bought these ski's.I bet you they may have be sued already because of this.Read some stuff on this last year....
There hads to be a slight raise in the ski in front of the runner in order for anything to skip over the first tooth so to speak.I think I read a lot of guys were snapping railroad ties when crossing..pretty dangerous if you ask me.My Simmons are parked for now until I can figure a remedy for this... :o| #$%&* It cost me money because of their dumb engineering department..
I have the dual shapers bars on the Arrows and just out on a fresh set of 6 inch shaper bars on my USI ski's that I am now using on the SRX..will see how they will grab in the corners..
SWEDE said:
The reason he suggest that is because the inside carbide does 90% or more of the turning with the way the ski tilts up in the turns.I think the triple points could be especially good on the simmons skis due to what I just said.Thats like 12" of carbide down in the turns!May have to try this next on my simmons.
This is true about Simmons skis -- the inside carbide is the traction carbide. I use Snow Studs/ Accord Magnmm 1/2 inch bar carbides on my Attak GT -- 8 inches of carbide on the inside and 6 inches on the outside. I don't take any chances; maybe even over kill. But I could have put 4 inch ones or less tho on the out side and it'd be very comparable I bet.

About Scott Bergstrom's advice: I've never tried just a blank bar for the outside, but I can totally see the theory behind it. Makes sense actually.
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I've ran a blank bar on the outside and there was very little to no difference compared to having a cutting carbide there.I usually just take the best two carbides out of the four and put those on the outside and the new ones inside when I do this.
