Viper wont run on all 3


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Bangor, ME
My viper wont run on all 3 unless I have the choke pulled out a little bit u think my carbs need to be gone through need some help if any one could please. U think its my floats?
Sounds like a card issue, maybe dirty pilots.. Only one way to find out. Pull them and take a look. It's not a difficult job.
don't let any gas with ethanol sit in the tank or carbs past 2 weeks..other wise you will have a problem.Glad our premium here has no carbs are always clean..but I still clean them again.... :o| :rofl: :dunno:
Good idea to clean them before each season.could prevent bigger problems down the road. I use Startron religiously during the season. No problems yet.
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Seafoam is nothing but alcohol.... Oh and Startron is just naptha, same as stabil. Ethanol does not gum up your carb, evaporated fuel does. It is amazing how much mis-information is out there.
:bling: I took the boals of my carburaters sure as shit the pilot was plugged on the pto side.Also the pilots are stock 45 they should be a 47.5 with the slp pipes. Would that make a big difference in performance.
