Carburator Question?


Lifetime VIP Member
Jun 23, 2011
Bismarck, ND
This is kind of a dumb question but I need to know i want to change the caruretor hoses on my sled and i have gone to every store in town and no one has the right size to fit it so i want to order them off the internet so i need to know the specific size of the hose I have looked everywhere for the answer but apparently no one else has had this same problem haha thanks for the help.
Those are just vent hoses(#66) save yourself alot of money and just bring one of your old ones to the hardware store and get clear vent hose. I changed all of mine for a couple bucks buying by the foot, would've cost me a fortune at the stealer buying precut.
YZViper366 said:
YEs but my question is still up in the air I need to know the size of the hose 1/8,3/16????

Why does that matter if you can just buy it cheaply from the link I gave you? Port Yamaha is a site sponsor, good rep!
Just dont cheap out dude. You'll regret it and if you're like me and a solo yammie rider in a group of Cats and Doos you'll also get hurt feelings and pride forever. That is of course as long as the Cats and Doos manage to go 5 miles without popping...
These guys are right. OEM is an assurance of a minimal level of quality. In my case I have 1 dealer who charges 2.97 for every little 1 dollar part. No matter what it is, bolt, nut washer, spring, o-ring. Everything is $2.97 (if you don't believe me look up anything on babbittsonline) or I have to drive 35 miles each way to the next closest dealer(Grand Rapids) or pay shipping for a dollar part. So I get slowly bled by this guy or it's off to NAPA for SAE quality. It sucks when they know they gotcha!
