long tracking 98 srx


New member
Mar 14, 2004
chicago in the getto
if i get a skid 136 out of a 2000 2 up sled will the holes in the frame line up or should i just get rail extentions??? thanks in advance for any help i want to be 136 this year to try it
You WILL have to drill holes.. and have all the brackets for the 136. And the dimensions for the location of the holes. And a good drill, square, bits, pop rivet gun or air riveter and on and on. Done this, got the Tshirt!
Definately easier to go with the extensions. Not all extensions are equal. Meaning some are better than others. Some don't accept the 136 sliders, some do. Less resistance w/ ones that do not. Your rear idlers take a good deal of the pressure in the rear of the sled anyhow. Not that there is anything wrong w/ those. None that I know of.
Mabey someone who has a particular brand can give the pros & cons of their particular brand.
i did the 136 to 151 on my 98 and used the 2000 rails, real pain to get all right. if you do it get the hole susp, i made all my drop brackets.... the only thing your doing is changing your track pitch, so unless your big into powder riding keep your original skid and get the 136 rails. Look on ebay for 136 98 MSRX rails or maybe someone here has a set. There not that expensive.
