Brake question for the SRX


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
I recieved some parts today and among them were new Brake Pads.Now I have them already installed .but how do you open them up enough to later get the Brake pads to drop down over the Rotor.I tried with a flat bar and all I can open them up is about 1/8"..don't want to chip the pads.Don't tell me I have to disconnect the brake line to relieve the line pressure..then that means I'll have to re bleed the system again..tell me if there is an easier way.Lucky I am changing pads because there was less then 1/16"left on SXR would be worse I think as the Brakes were not stopping me to fast last season..I hope the rotor is still fine on it.Any help here would be Marvelous..thanks
take the pads out and get a pare of Chanel locks (big pliers) and squez the calipers piston or pistons? all the way back. put the brake pads back on and you should be able to fit them over the rotor.

p.s i am only 14 so this is not me just "being a know it all" (like people say we are) but this is what i was tout by my father!
make shure you have the master cylinder cap off. the fluid needs to go somewhere and i have had to do this as this is what was stopping a bike i was working on from collapsing the caliper.
put a short hose on the bleeder & just crack it open while pushing pads back. You can open the resiviour, but if it's already full, you will have to get some out of there anyway. I personally replace my brake fluid every season anyway. Get the moisture out & keep good clean fluid in there. Using a length of hose & a catch can makes it quite easy.
with the bleaders open and draining through tubes as mentioned into a partially brake fluid filled clear bottle, skip the channel locks, use you fingers or a piece of 1x2 as a lever.

metal to metal risks damage, the wood will take the abuse if you have weak fingers. i actually uses some quick clamps with plastic jaws recently while replacing the seals in the caliper.
Maim said:
make shure you have the master cylinder cap off. the fluid needs to go somewhere and i have had to do this as this is what was stopping a bike i was working on from collapsing the caliper.
well this worked really good.Compressed the cylinders back by hand,some oil overflowed out..brakes dropped on with no issues,topped it up and she is good to go...thanks a million Maim... ;)!
lol..I guess we've all been there one time or another..sometimes causing more damage and repair to get the original reapirs done.I am pretty well set up now.Got tools for every situation I can come across.Have electric winch from the ceiling for lifting sleds,got a mig welder for repairs,basically every tool under the sun that one needs in this the years I have simlpified the process..but still remember the 1st time on a lot of stuff.
ie) like removing a skid for the first time in my shed in the back on a hot 30 C plus day in July with Sun facing the doorway.That was like 4 to 5 years back.MAN did I have a lot of choice words floating around to last a lifetime.NOW I hardly even swear at all..well yesterday I swore because I have the bottle of brake fliuid on the was off and I turned and my foot kicked it over..oil all over the floor...f #$%&* was used a few
hey I am trying to remain calm..and I am also in my 3rd week of not smoking cigs.You would think I would roast my Dog or the Artic Cat guy said..gonna stick the wolf and then roast him...even my Dog is less nervous now because I don't lose it anymore.Once the first word came out of my mouth and the tone of it..the Dog was up and running to his Dog that is funny...
